The Truth

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Silverjacks Pov

Me and Wheeljack were walking back to base, hand in hand. When we were inside, everyone was buy talking so Wheeljack took his chance to kiss me on the cheek and whisper to me

Wheeljack: Don't forget ok?

I blushed and nodded in agreement. He smiled at me then walked over to Bulkhead, Smokey and Bee. I walked over to where Arcee was and what do you know, she is smirking at me.

Arcee: So, what took you and Wheeljack so long?

Primus she can be a pain because she can tell if something is up with me. I just smiled.

Silverjack: Wheeljack likes me Arcee! I never knew he did!

Arcee: Well its about time Sil. He is a lucky mech.

Silverjack: Thanks Arcee. And he wants me to meet him up top of the base tonight.

Arcee: Really? Well if i didn't know anybetter i think he wants to Spark-bond with you.

Silverjack: Don't be silly Cee, we only just admitted that we like eachother.

Arcee: Well maybe he doesn't like you...

Silverjack: But he...

Arcee: He loves you.

I was shocked, trying to wonder if she was right.

Silverjack: You really think so?

Arcee: I know so. As you may know, Wheeljack isn't one for showing his emotions. Am i correct?

Silverjack: Yeah, so?

Arcee: So, if he confessed to you that he has feelings for you, and then ask you to go out with him by yourselves, alone. Doesn't that normally mean that he still has more to say?

Silverjack: I spose so... do you really think he loves me?

Arcee: I know love when i see it Sil, and he does. And what about you, do you feel the same for him?

Silverjack: Yes, of course i do. I have for eons and it has been killing me to be unable to tell him.

Arcee: Well then, you shouldn't hold back in telling him.

Silverjack: I won't. But i want hum to tell me first, just in case.

Arcee: Alright then.

Then i saw Miko come running over. No doubt she overheard Wheeljack telling the guys, how do i know he told them? Well, i pretty sure Wheeljack wouldn't be in a dog pile right now if he didn't. Poor Wheeljack.

Miko: Dude! I heard the news! This is awesome, you and Wheeljack are perfect for eachother. And i know what he has planned for you tonight Sil!!

Silverjack: What?! He told you? You have to tell me.

Miko: He told all the guys, even Optimus. And no can do, he said too keep it a secret.

Silverjack: Then why are you telling me this?

Miko: To keep you hanging! Caus i can.

Silverjack: Fine, but is it good?

Miko: Yep

Arcee: Well thats a start, just wait and see Sil.

Silverjack: I hope so.


Sorry for taking so long to write this chapter. Had a lot of things going on. So, what do you think so far? Should Wheeljack and Silverjack Sparkbond? And also i want to bring in sparklings. So i would love to hear your suggestions on names, if there should be twins or just bring in one. And if they should be mechs or femmes.

Love you guys


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