Chapter Twenty

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It had been two days since Stormfeather and Moosepelt talked. During those two days, Moosepelt had talked with Silverstar about going to find the mysterious place StarClan made her dream about. She told her that Bluepaw would be going with her. Silverstar liked the idea. A new home meant a new start, and at the moment, SilverClan needed that. She knew how much Bluepaw has progressed since becoming Stormfeather's apprentice and she trusted the young Medicine Apprentice to keep Moosepelt safe. He knew enough. Moosepelt also told her that she could teach Bluepaw a few hunting and battling tricks in case of intruders and that way Stormfeather wouldn't be the only one trying to fend of enemy cats from getting into the Medicine Cats Den or the Nursery. She accepted that as well. Moosepelt also told her of the possibility that Ravenheart may end up changing his mind, and Silverstar accepted it. Two Warriors and a Medicine Cat Apprentice. It seemed doable. They have each other and they could all learn something. It could be good for the Clan. Silverstar gave Moosepelt her permission and Moosepelt immediately went and told Stormfeather who then told Bluepaw. They asked when it was time to leave and Moosepelt didn't know. Silverstar hadn't given her that information. Moosepelt would talk to her again later about it. Moosepelt wanted to ask Ravenheart if he wanted to go again, but she didn't want to confront him.

The same day, Moosepelt went to go talk with Silverstar about when she should leave. Anytime was as good as any, but she wanted Silverstar to know. As she walked towards the Leader's den, she stopped in her tracks, seeing Silverstar leap up onto the Highrock and shout out the call for a Clan Meeting. Every cat seemed confused and Moosepelt was confused at first, but then she realised that Silverstar was probably going to inform the rest of the Clan about Moosepelt's journey. That's exactly what Silverstar did. She told them when Moosepelt and Bluepaw would leave, and that was tomorrow at Sunhigh. Great. All the cats seemed to approve and agree that they wanted a knew home for a fresh start. It would be a great story to tell the kits in the near future, with Goldenfur's kits on their way. Moosepelt should be back before they're born and the Clan should be able to move, but Goldenfur may have her kits along the journey which would be especially tough.

Moosepelt went back to her nest in the Medicine Cats Den. It wasn't too late in the day, but she had nothing else to do around camp since she was still stuck there until tomorrow when she was allowed to leave, and her wound had another day to heal. She laid down and rested her head on her paws and a few seconds passed before Ravenheart walked in. Moosepelt caught his scent before he went around the corner and appeared in front of her.

"Hey, Moosepelt," he greeted her. He looked towards her stomach where the cut had been. He looked back up at her, still standing there. He wanted her invitation to lay with her before he did anything else. Moosepelt flicked her tail to a spot next to her and Ravenheart saw, thinking that he was allowed to enter and lay by her, so he did. Moosepelt looked up at him, waiting for Ravenheart to say something else, but the pure black Warrior seemed shy all of a sudden, mostly because Moosepelt hasn't said anything since he appeared in front of her. "How are you doing?" he asked, half-referring to the wound she received about four nights ago.

"I'm doing fine," she answered, her voice having no emotion in it. She wasn't angry or upset about what the other Warrior had said anymore, but Ravenheart had the opposite of those thoughts. He was upset for turning her down and he thought he made her upset or something so he was even more upset. Ravenheart looked away shyly, not knowing what to say or do. He wanted to stay there with her until he was forced out by Stormfeather, but he wasn't sure if Moosepelt wanted him there or not.

"I wish you luck on yours and Bluepaw's journey tomorrow," he said softly, voice almost inaudible, but Moosepelt was a paw-length from him so she heard him clearly. She looked over at him, opening her mouth to speak, but Ravenheart spoke first. "I'm sorry if I made you upset... about not wanting to go. I just... I fear that if I leave, SilverClan will be attacked." He looked away but Moosepelt could still see the sadness in his eyes.

"I'm not mad or upset, I promise... I was a little at first," she admitted, not wanting to lie, "but I'm not anymore. It's fine, Bluepaw is going with me. I'll be safe. He's a Medicine Apprentice and can probably teach me a few things," she laughed softly. Ravenheart turned his head back towards her so he was looking directly into her eyes. Moosepelt detected a small amount of happiness in them. Ravenheart's tail flicked and so did Moosepelt's before she twined her tail with his.

There was nothing but silence between them, just intent gazes at each other. Stormfeather snuck in to see how his patient was doing and was fixing to call out her name when he looked up and saw them, nuzzling each other. Stormfeather backed away and left them to their business.

Ravenheart left only once and that was to go and get Moosepelt and himself something to eat. When he returned, they were both full of joy and they ate together, talking. 'At least we're talking again... and now, because tomorrow is too late,' she thought to herself as she chewed up and swallowed a bite of the vole he had gotten for her.

Stormfeather came in again after both had eaten and were resting. He decided that he avoided checking on her wound long enough. He probably didn't need to check her wound, but Stormfeather was being himself and that meant frequent checks on wounds that had once been terrible and almost killed the cat who had gotten it. He meowed his arrival and both of them looked up, a little drowsy since they had been dozing lightly. They blinked and looked up at the Medicine Cat. "Ravenheart, you should go to your den," Stormfeather told him. Ravenheart looked at Moosepelt and licked her cheek as a good-bye since he had no choice but to obey the older cat's command. Moosepelt would've attempted to give him a quick lick on the cheek back but he was already standing and she didn't want to get up. Stormfeather watched Ravenheart leave and then looked back at Moosepelt, giving her a nod of approval it seemed. "He's a great Warrior," Stormfeather commented as he checked on Moosepelt's almost-healed cut.

Moosepelt nodded in agreement. "He is. He's more than that. He's a great cat," she told him. Once Stormfeather left, Moosepelt laid her head down and rested. As she fell asleep, she saw flashes of a grassy plain. Now fully asleep, Moosepelt was getting more visuals of the area. StarClan seemed to be showing her a path. There was the grassy plain, and what looked to her like a fence. The grassy plain was beyond that, so that told her she was going through twoleg place to get to it. There were small bushy areas that looked like good hunting or resting spots. She seemed to jerk around in her sleep, shocked and surprised by the images.

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