Chapter 3

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Chase brought Pete back to his house, offering him a shower and a change of clothes. Though he was sure it was one of the first places that Nathan would look, he didn't know where else to go. Pete was conscious but still a bit incoherent, making it difficult to bring him anywhere public, and since Pete's house was even riskier than Chase's, the only other option was The Amocular. Chase still had the room key, but he didn't trust that location at all, having been funded by Nathan's people.

By the time Pete showered and changed, he was much more lucid. He wandered into Chase's home office, where Chase had been browsing through Pete's internet pictures, including the video that he recorded. Pete didn't even need to see the screen to understand what Chase was doing. He fell into one of the comfortable office chairs in the room.

"Hard to believe, I know," Pete said. "Aliens," he grunted. "Should've just kept my mouth shut."

To Chase, he looked like an entirely different person. There were still dark circles under his eyes, but his eyes were sharp, conveying understanding and awareness. His thinning hair was combed straight back, and although he had several days of growth on his beard, it wasn't very full.

"I don't know what possessed you to storm into the mental hospital and pull me out," Pete said, "but I owe you. I owe you big. Thank you just doesn't cover it. You name it, it's yours."

Chase waved him off, "Don't mention it."

"Why did you do it, anyway?" Pete asked, bobbing his head back and forth. "Why did you get me out?"

"A lot has happened since that day we met in jail," Chase explained, motioning to his computer display. "I saw your video. I know that it's all real. I think you and I are the only ones who know." He poked a finger at the monitor, "I just knew that I had to get you out. You were right all along."

Pete smirked, "You actually believe me?"

"No, I know that it's real," Chase repeated, staring at Pete until his point became clear.

"You saw the UFO too?" Pete asked excitedly.

"Not exactly."

Pete shifted in his chair uncomfortably, "Does this have anything to do with that bucket of bloody towels sitting outside your bathroom?"

Chase muttered an obscenity, having forgotten to take care of the mess he left behind earlier. He was hesitant to explain what happened to Avery and how he cleaned her up. It wasn't that Pete wouldn't believe him—of all the people in the world, Pete was the only one who would believe him—it was just that Chase didn't want to relive that memory.

"Hey, you don't want to tell me, I get it," Pete said, holding up his hands. "Nobody understands the value of keeping your mouth shut more than I do. Whatever you did—or didn't do—it's none of my business."

"It's not that," Chase said, with a shake of his head. "There's just a lot going on right now."

"Tell me about it," Pete said.

Chase leaned back in his chair, and said, "I know that you were right about the UFO because they admitted it to me."

"What?!" Pete exclaimed, his eyes going wide.

Chase nodded.

Pete tapped his fingertips together nervously, "You got to talk to them?"


"Wow," Pete exhaled enviously, sitting up straighter. "They are like angels, aren't they? They're beautiful!"

"Yes, they are," Chase agreed, rising to his feet and wincing at the pain in his leg. "Come on, I'll tell you the story on the way."

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