18 - Next to Nothing

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"Aut neca aut necare"


"Either kill or be killed"



In the days after the restaurant, I've taken to hiding from the world. Only coming out in the shadows covering my hair I couldn't risk anyone seeing it. The restaurant story had made the news headlines and in a big way. They had managed to get my description perfectly, I couldn't go out as much as I used to without the terror of being spotted.

When it had inevitably died down a week or two later, Zach still hadn't given up his search for me. Watching him from afar did feel rather creepy but I couldn't protect them close range anymore. Zach had even come by the house, Ace lied for me saying that I hadn't been back since before that day. He had wanted to know if I turned up at all, but to him I hadn't. Even when he had come to the door I'd been hiding in my room upstairs waiting for Ace to give me the all clear. I had begun smoking twice as much as before, it was a hard habit to break.

The school never even had any clues on my sudden disappearance according to them I had just gone. Handed in my letter to un-enrol in the school, the secret was that I already had my diploma and graduated early. I had just stayed to try and better any grades I had. It was if I never existed in the first place, no one really noticed. I guess after a while everyone gave up, even Zach.

One Month Later

Everything had been eerily silent ever since the restaurant happened, I knew it could only mean that they were gearing up towards something big. I hated to admit it scared me if only slightly, I hadn't even stopped tailing the Hempstead's in the risk of something big happening. Today felt different over all the rest. The air felt strange as if it knew shit was going to hit the fan more. I didn't think that was possible.

Trailing the Hempsteds, keeping a closer eye on them than usual was harder than it should be. They were on the way home from some other red carpet event or other. Zach looked better than ever if that was possible. My feelings for him had only increased and deepened over the distance. I'm incredibly in love with him. it took the distance for me to realise. My heart had fallen for him.

I made it my business to check when they were attending events. But it meant if I could find the information then anyone else could as well. I don't know why but they had decided to take a walk back a few blocks to their car instead of getting the car straight from the venue. I tried to trail them along the streets. I've got my sights set on Zach's perfectly ruffled jet black hair, it's like a beacon to me calling me towards him. It reminds me of a siren calling and I was the pirate out towards sea.

I lost sight of them for a second only to realise they had disappeared when I looked again. My heart rate accelerates. I only see a flash of black disappearing round the corner of an alley, a tattoo in the distance. Fuck, not again. I, shit. I duck into the alleyway on the other side of the building, god knows what's going to happen.

Looking upwards I spot a ladder suspended in mid-air leading up the building. I quickly dart over and jump to grab the bottom ring of the ladder. Climbing it as quickly as I can passing all the fire escapes until I reach the top of the apartment building. I sprint over the concrete of the roof until I can see the alleyway bellow containing seven far down blobs. I could easily make out the Hempsteds, luckily the gang members were just talking or more like threatening, it was the first time they were going head on face to face. The Hempsteds coming to face their tormentors for months, but they had me. I hadn't let them get far before and I wasn't about to start now.

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