Chapter Twenty-One.

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I walked up to Dranias house hold and knocked on the door. My hands came together and they nervously played together. I have been thinking nothing but about this the whole time. It was making me so anxious and I think I can't hold it back anymore if I don't hear Helene plan right now! Ugh, I hate that I'm so impatient sometimes.

I hope whatever she has in mind will work and she'll do it.

The door opened and Helene gave me a warm smile, "Come in, Jesse.", she said, stepping aside. I walked and she closed the door behind me. She went into the kitcken and I followed her, "Would you like something to drink? I'm making this special tea my mother showed me. It's like green tea, but has a slightly different, but it's suppose to make you more healthier.",

"Another gypsy remedy?", I asked before I could stop myself. My hand flew up to my mouth. She probably thought I was making fun of her. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that.",

She smiled, "It's okay and no.",

My cheek heated up, "Well, sure. Thanks.". I sat down at the small round table that was in the kitchen while she made the tea. It was akward silence until she came over with to cups of hot tea. I thanked her and took a sip, surprised at how delicious it taste, "That's pretty good.", I said.

She nodded, "Yeah, my mother best. She was good with herbs and plants.",

"Not to sound noisy, but when did you come here? To America I mean.", I asked.

"In 1972, I was pregnant with Daphne. I wanted to have a better life here in America, so my husband and I escaped from our village and immigrated to North Carolina. It was hard, but we got here. My husband knew little English and it was hard to get around, but we manage. And it helped when Daphne grew up and she could translate for us. ", she said.

I nodded, "Oh.",

"Do you know story about how the curse became?", she asked.

"Yeah. Lucian raped one of your ancestors and the girl mother put a curse on him for revenge.", I said and she nodded.

"Yes, but I will tell you, Eliza was not perfect. She was rebellious. The story from our side is told that she was rude, wasn't happy in her engagement after what happened, flirted a lot with other husbands, and at least tried to run away from her mother at least twenty times in her life.", she said.

I just grew confused, "So what's your point about it? He still raped her.",

"I don't think he did.", she said, taking a sip of her tea. "I think Eliza lied. I think she tried to get pregnant by Lucian so she could get married and escape but when her father found her a husband after, she got scared for on they're wedding night, she wouldn't be a virgin. So I think she lied, saying Lucian raped her to cover up. Story does say he denied it.",

"Do you think that could be true?", I asked.

She shrugged, "I don't know, but it's my opinion. Girls don't just sneak out of the village unless they're getting food. People saw her with him. It was pretty unusual and people talk--from both sides. She was a teenager with hormones. She thought she knew everything and had it all planned out, but she did not. She got pregnant and because of what she did, the baby was killed.",

My eyes widen slightly, "They killed her baby?",

"The child wasn't full blood of my people and they thought Lucian raped her. They called it a bad spirit child and will end up doing the same thing as he did. To them, they were doing the right thing.",

"And she let them?",

She shrugged again, "She had no other choice. Once the baby was born, she didn't even get to hold him. They took it outside and let it freeze to death in the forest.",

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