26. Damn it Danny

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Thomas round face is the first thing we see when we dart our eyes to the jingle of keys. "T.K My man!" Danny cheers as he jumps to his feet. The officer next to him opens up the cell door and we're free!'almost.  Ari sprints out of the cell and Blake follows while I linger behind. My raven dark hair falls over one eye but I only needed one eye to count. 

Well, kids lets see. 

One. Two. Three. Four!

Four frowning faces. 

Also known as our parents, and Blake's sister. Thomas gives us a sheepish grin when we all shoot daggers at him with our eyes. From the expression on Blake's face, he could have been mentally wringing Thomas's neck. Would pay to see that at the moment. Yes, I would regret it late but it was all in the process of not caring. "Scarlet Reed!" My mother shouts. The noise level in the station drops to a zero (more like below zero) as everyone stops and stares. I mine as well give them popcorn, hope they enjoy the show! 

 "Arrested! You got yourself arrested!" she shouts. Blake steps in, in which I guess would have been an attempt to help me but my mother snaps at him too. 

"Save it Combat boots! My honor roll daughter wouldn't be in this mess if it weren't for you and your stupid Johnny Derp head wannabe dream. Sorry but if you haven't noticed, my daughter isn't actually Agent 47 material!" 

Her head snaps back towards me as Blake's arm is grabbed by Mabel who drags him away from the scene. "Look young lady, first you skip school and now you decide to mingle with the law?!?" I open my mouth to protest but no words come out before she starts up once again. 

"What has gotten into you? I thought Callie was a better influence! This is why I didn't want you to have friends!"

 I squinted my eyes as I tried to process what she just said. But for some odd reason I just couldn't wrap my head around her words. This was the first I hadn't really registered something my mother was saying. With the rest of what you could call her so called speech, her words went into one ear and out the other. 

Doing nothing made me incredibly bored. I felt like my ears would pop off and run away. Soon her words turned  into incohorent Blah's. 

"Blah, Blah, Blah...."

 I looked around to see how the others were doing. Ari was being scolded by two incredibly tidy looking adults with blonde hair whose matched Thomas. And speaking of Thomas, he was nowhere to be found. Figures. 

My eyes trailed over to Danny who seemed to be sitting alone on a chair, a faraway look in his eyes. Where are his parents? I would expect at least a sibling to come pick him up. 

"-Are you even listening to me?!?" My mother snarled. I faced her once more before rolling my eyes, "Sure." I mumbled. She opened her mouth but I cut her off. "Hold that thought." I told her before spinning on my heels and making my way towards Danny. Without looking at my mother I still knew the surprised dent I left on her face. 

"Hey, Dan. Whats on your mind." His head turned to me with a thin line on his lips. 

"Nothing really." He sighed. "

Well, do you know when you're parents are coming to pick you up?" He shrugged. "so you need a lift?" I asked. 

He shook his head. "My dad is coming." 

I looked around. 

"Where is he?" 

"I don't know, I've been asking my mother the same thing for the last 13 years." he sighed.

 An awkward silence fell between us. "You're 17 right?" I asked him, curious. 

"Yup." I only nodded as we sat in silence. 

"Damn it Danny, you had to make things awkward."

He only grinned as he nudged me. "My mothers probably on her way, and boy will she be pissed. 

Then thats when it hit me like a bullet. "Blake said his mother and father were divorced, so he moved here."

"Um..what?" Mumbled Danny. HE was clearly confused, but that was beside the point. "He just said his parents are dead."

"Did I miss something?"

"No, I did."

If Blake's parents are dead, that would explain why I haven't seen them. It would also explain why Mabel acts like the woman of the house. But what it doesn't explain is, 

Why is he actually here?


I'm stupid with updates, I know and I'm so sorry. NO excuses besides my awkward and laziness. So I will start to update more often, DO NOT quote me on this lol. 

Love you guys, And thanks so much for sticking with me, 

hEaRtS by,


(Hearts By, Evie.

^^^A translation if you don't speak meh language, the rear-tard.)

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