Sorry, I didn't know!

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(Let's go back for a while before you arrived,)

 Jongin went to the apartment as soon as the meeting is finished. He pressed the bell because he was thinking you would be at home. He pressed some numbers on the screen to get into the apartment as no one answer.

“Jongin-yah!” someone called him from behind. The voice was so familiar to him. The voice that made in fell in love once upon a time. The voice, he had been crazy and the voice he doesn’t to hear again from the one who he hates now. Jongin turn around slowly and praying he only mistaken with somebody else not the one he suspected.

It’s HER! She is the one who dump him last year and leave him in a scandal which can almost destroy his life. But why she comes here? How did she know he live here? What she want from him again. Not this time anymore, Jongin is not teenager anymore; he’s now mature enough to know who is BITCH and who is really good to him. He’s not the one who she can play and use to have fun anymore. He has changed. Now, he’s a married man although it was fake at first but he decided to change into the real one now.

She walked closer to him, “Jongin-na…” she called him. Jongin fainted but try to open his mouth to talk her back, “What do you want from me again? What are you doing here?” he said in cold tone as there’s no feeling left for her. He had decided to give you all his heart and soul.

“Jongin don’t do like this. We both know there are so many un-finished up things between you and me” she exclaimed. He gave her a wry smile and let out a laugh.

 “T-h-e-r-e   i-s   n-o-t-h-i-n-g   l-e-f-t   b-e-t-w-e-e-n   y-o-u   a-n-d   m-e!”  he gave her a clear explanation.

She grinned on his words, “Are you sure that you really get over me? I don’t think so. Only you and I know how much you love me and crazy about me”, she asserted. Jongin shake his head roughly… “That was before I get married, Yuri. You also a married woman now and you should behave yourself. Your actions and your words are so wrong for a married woman”, He grabbed his hand and pull him near her. Jongin struggle from her grip hands and push her away. He made her anger go higher than before. He run to you and touched her lips onto his. The kiss which is so sweet and makes his heart bumping was now its bitter and no feel at all. It’s just touching lips together no special feels. Every time he had closed his eyes in this romantic moment but now his eyes were wide open. He saw someone coming to the corridor from the elevator.

Someone who he adores now; someone who he wants to give his life; someone who he wants to spend his time together. He pushed away Yuri but I might say a little bit too late. You fell down and lost a connection with the whole world. You black out. He run to you and held you in his arms…

“_____ [Y/N]… ____[Y/N]!!.....” he was calling your name for several times. You heard his calling but your mouth is not obeying your order anymore.

Open your eyes slowly and slowly… try to open your eyelids wider but the light is so sharp and it closed again… You feel someone grab your hand firmly and place it near his face as you feel his breathing is touching your hand. You lean your heard to the left and look up to know who it is… It’s Jongin. Who else? He is sitting tide and closed his eyes… You never see he’s serious like this before.

Wait! What had happened to you? Why you lying on the bed? When did you come back? Asking yourself and thinking back what had happened to you earlier…

Jongin feel you’re moving and he realize you’re waking up. He start to call your name,”___[Y/N]! Are you waking up?” he asked worriedly. You nodded slowly and try to make a curve line on your face but change your mind as that scene is appear in your vision… It break your heart and it make you to feel sorry on the baby who is starting develop in your stomach…

At that time, Taemin Oppa comes into the room. Jongin get up and give a time to let you two speak openly. He sits down on the bed and look at you with sorrow eyes. “I call our family doctor. She’s on her way now!” he said as he worries about you. Your brother is also the one who hurt most now. He can’t blame it on Jongin as he is the one who gave him an advice to marry you. Now, he feel like he push you into this complicated mess.

Suddenly, you notice Taemin Oppa said that he called the doctor… No, you can’t let them know about the pregnancy thingy… That’ll be more complicated. “Oppa, I’m ok! I’ve just come back from the clinic and doc said I need to take a rest and I came back home but I can’t control myself anymore and being like this. I’m sorry for letting you guys to worry about me like this”. Taemin Oppa shakes his head and said, “NO! It’s me. This is all my faults and I’m sorry to drag into this mess”.

He said this mess but you didn’t see this as a mess and you see this as a paradise is a strange thing. However your life is really complicated and mess up with Jongin you have strength enough to face all the problems… Taemin Oppa takes out his phone and dials some numbers. It’s seems like he cancel to doctor.

You try to sit up from lying down because you saw Jongin come into the room with a tray. Guess he make a soup for you. He put it down beside the bed and prepares to feed you. It’s a chicken soup which one of your favorite but this time, the smell is very weird. It makes you to throw up but you try to bear that feel. You close your eyes, hold your breath and try to drink the soup which he feed you.


TO be continued, :D

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