Dad?~Dick Grayson x Reader Imagine

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Y/N- Your Name
F/C- Favorite Color
H/C- Hair Color
S/C- skin color
F/A- Favorite Animal
N/N- Nick Name

[Imagine being in a coma and Dick staying by your side 'till death]

The beeping of the heart monitor filled the ravenettes ears. His Bright eyes liked the light the once did.

"Dick" Bruce put a hand on his sloping shoulder, "Its Time-".

"I know it's time, but I'm not ready" The ex-robins voice came out hoarse. He glanced at the hospital bed, the wires connected to her beautiful S/C skin, and her H/C haired slowly losing its touch. This girl isn't a innocent civilian, caught in crossfire, No, this was his daughter.

You were always a sick child, since in your youth you had grown up on the streets. You always had breathing problems...

But your young lungs couldn't take it anymore.

Bruce sighed into his palms, glancing at your young figure. A ghost of a smile appeared on his face, before exiting the room.

Now it was Dick's turn to sigh into his palms. He scooted the plastic chair closer to your hospital bed. "Y/N" he sighed (more like pleaded) stroking you H/C, "please wake up for Papa". Your wires shifted slightly. "Please" his voice broke ever so slightly.

The room fell into a silence. The scraping of the F/C balloons on the ceiling. The F/A plushie on her bed. "Come on Y/N, I know your stronger than this."

The beeping of the heart monitor began to slow. The ravenette took your smaller hand in his, giving it a tight squeeze as if to comfort you (mainly him). "N/N" Dick said in the most scolding manner he could bear. The beeping of the monitor became deathly slow. A stinging sensation filled his nose and throat.

"I love you" Dick whispered as the flatline filled the once quiet room.

"I Love you too Papa"


Status Update:

Bout to start writing Tim Drake x Reader

Stay Whelmed My Peeps


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