Chapter 2

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It's been three days since I've been in Hollywood. There was no harm in staying in the city for a little while longer. At the most, the longest I could stay in one place, before having to move on again, was one week. Seven days. This wouldn't be the first time I'd have a longer stay in one particular location. Quickly showering, I prepared myself for the day, changing into my outfit and applying my makeup. I exited my room and walked down to the lobby, looking around cautiously as I made my way out of the building.

Although it was quite early in the morning, the streets were busy with people, driving and walking around. My eyes darting from place to place, scanning my surroundings. Nothing seemed to be suspicious, and everything seemed safe. But I couldn't be too sure. With a quiet sigh, I walked around the city, doing a little bit of window shopping, admiring the things that I saw.

As I walked, I wasn't really paying attention to where I was going, and I bumped into a group of people in front of me. My eyes widened and I frantically began to apologize. I cracked my eyes open and took in their features, realizing that it was Black Veil Brides. Oh god, this was not good. They could not get too involved with them. I was hoping I wouldn't meet them again. It's far too dangerous. Getting involved with the likes of me was like asking for your death sentence.

Pushing some of my purple hair behind my ears, I said, "Um, it's nice bumping into you guys again, quite literally this time, but I have to go. I'm so sorry."

"Why? Can't you stay and hang out with us for a little while? C'mon. Please?" Andy pleaded, looking at me with his irresistible crystalline blue eyes. This wasn't fair. I wanted to deny him, I needed to deny him, but I just couldn't.

"I can only hope that this doesn't put them in any danger. if they were to be killed or injured because of me, I would never be able to forgive myself. I wouldn't be able to function properly anymore," I told myself.

With a deep sigh, I said, "Sure. Why not? For a short time though, then I'll have to leave and pray we never meet again. I'm not trying to be rude, it's just a mandatory sort of thing. I honestly cannot tell you what's going on with me, so call me a psychopath if you will, but I'm trying to stay safe, and keep people safe. If you're involved with me, you're in danger. Which is why I'm so reluctant. That's as much as I can say. It might be too much."

They all nodded with puzzled expressions on their faces. It was then I finally noticed that Jake was back with the group.

"Who's she, by the way?" Jake finally asked.

"Rowan Fraser. A new friend. We met her at Hot Topic a few days ago," Jinxx explained, receiving nods from Jake.

"Nice to be acquainted with you, Jake," I say with a weak, but friendly, smile.

Jake nodded with a grin. "It's nice to meet you too."

We walked along the blocks of Hollywood, just talking and walking into stores until dark. They then begged me to go off to a club with them to have a few drinks, and I obliged, reluctantly. I just didn't want to seem too rude to them. Most likely, I've been coming off as a rude person. Well, it was for everyone's safety, so it was worth it, right?

"Though, it's a hard life not making any attachments, not having any friends. It difficult not being able to have anyone to confide in," I thought. We walked inside of the club and went to sit at the bar. I order a mix of Jack Daniels and Skyy Vodka. It wasn't bad, to be honest. After a few more drinks, we all headed to the dance floor, mingling with the hot and sweaty bodies on the floor.

Ashley smirked and grabbed my waist, pulling me close to him. Laughing softly, I grinded against him, making him groan softly. I continued to grind against him, smirking as I did so.

"Stop it," Ashley groaned, biting his lip.

I laughed, throwing my head back, seeing Jake with a slightly jealous look on his face. I couldn't figure out why he'd have that expression on though. Jealousy, of all things. Why?

He's got Ella. They're completely in love. I have to admit though, getting to know him tonight, becoming his friend, I began to fall for him. But considering it's Jake Pitts, it's hard not to fall for him. He just has that easy-going kind of personality that you can't help but fall for.

Pushing all thoughts aside, Ashley and I continued to dance. He leaned down and kissed my lips, licking them gently. I parted my lips and allowed his tongue to slip in. Our tongues rubbed together as he searched every crevice of my mouth hungrily. Smirking into the kiss, I pulled away and ran away from him.

"Rowan!" I heard him groan. I laughed and pushed my way through the crowd of people, bumping into Jake.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Jake. You alright?" I ask, looking up at him.

Jake simply nodded, not saying a word.

"Talk to me if you ever need anything. While I'm in town, that is," I said quickly, smiling as I walk away from him. I returned to the bar and ordered a few more drinks, becoming tipsy.

Jake's P.O.V

There was something seriously wrong with me, and I was highly concerned about myself. What was wrong with me? Why did I suddenly feel as if Ella meant nothing to me? I was in a relationship, and god, I was in love with the woman. So why did I feel this way right now? Why can't I take my eyes off of Rowan?

"There's something about her... She's so mysterious. She's hiding a lot, and I'm dying to know more about her. I'm dying to become a huge part of her life," I thought to myself. Shaking my head, I groaned and walked out of the club to take a smoke.

Grabbing a cigarette from the pack in my pocket, I lit it with my lighter, taking a long drag from it as I held it to my lips.

Tonight would be a long night.

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