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So they took the map but didn't let Arthur help, once they left they found a trail "hmm let's take this one" swan says "are you sure love?" Hook asked her then ninja says "it could lead us to our death" rumple replies "well it could lead us to Merlin so I say let's go for it" they go down the path then they see something shining far ahead "what's that?" Asked Greenie then belle replies "I don't know maybe it's a clue to as helping us find him" so Henry runs off to it then yells back "guys it's Excalibur" the team arrive "whoa" rumple says, Henry tries to pull it out and he succeeds then a light shines down on the sword "bloody hell" says hook then swan says "congrats kid!" Henry continues staring at it "what does this mean?" Rumple replies "your the future king Henry!"

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