Blood Sisters-Saved

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This is a book about two sisters, Avar and Sophie, who's Dad died 2 and a half years previous. Avar took it the worst and she detatched herself from the rest of the family including her sister who she was very close too. There mum re-married and he appears nice at first but Avar soon discovers he isn't what he seems.

When Sophie is accepted at School of the moon (a school for gifted vampires) Avar has never felt more alone. Can Sophie and her friends at the school - (including the incredibly hot Ethan, Joe and Matt!) - save Avar from their stepdad?

NOTE- The chapters switch from Avar's point of view to Sophie's. At the beginning of the chapter the name at the top is who's point of view it is in.

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CHAPTER 1 - Avar

I could tell it was a dream from the moment it started. For one no place like this existed. It was a rich green colour all aroundin the clearing. The tree's that surrounded me swayed steadily in the soft breeze. I breathed in the fresh crisp air, relaxing instantly. Not far from me I heard a low chuckle, I turned my head to look and I saw him.

"Dad," I breathed

He just continued to look at me steadily smiling. He looked just like he used too, before he became ill. His dark brown hair was just the right length. He looked tall and strong standing a few yards from me. So different from the last memory I had of him, dying in hospital of a brain tumour, looking pale and so frail. So so frail.

His blue eyes continued to watch me, the warmth never leaving them.

"Iv'e missed you so much," I sobbed. My sudden burst of emotion sent me staggering forward, into his arms which tightened around me as he brought me into him. It felt warm and right.

"I never left you," he whispered into my ear.

"I don't think I can take much more," I whimpered, clinging tightly to him savouring every moment.

"Remember I will always be with you, just because you can't see me doesn't mean I'm not there."

I sighed trying to stop the tears, and just enjoy the moment while it lasted.

"Remember that."

As he said it, I could hear his voice begin to fade.

"No, please don't leave me." I begged, pulling myself closer to him.

"I'm not going anywhere."

I froze. It wasn't my father's voice anymore. No it was that horribly familiar voice, that I dispised with a passion. I looked up not wanting to see what I new I would.


His brutal and tough arms wrapped around me, not comforting like my father's but restricting. Trapping me with him. I tried to squirm and wriggle my way free.

"But Avar, you said you didn't want me too leave." He laughed a mocking laugh. His face seemed to be everywhere. I finally broke free and began to run for the tree's. Harder and harder I pushed myself, trying to put as much distance between us as I could. But no matter how fast I ran, I couldn't escape his mean blue eyes. Nothing like my father's. His laugh echoed around me. Becoming louder and louder. Closing in on me.

"You can't escape me," he laughed.

That was when I woke up. Cold sweat dripped down my back as I sat up. The sun shined in through the gaps of the creme curtains. My room was dimly lit. I could make out the outline of the white door which led to my en-suite bathroom opposite my bed. My walk-in wadrobe was to the right of my bed facing the windows and double doors which led to the balcony. The balcony looked out over the field and forest which was our back yard. My desk also opposite my bed had pictures on it of family holidays and friends. Memory's I didn't want to forget, all of which happened two and a half years previous.

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