Another Beginning

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Sam's P.O.V

Sup, my name is Samantha people call me Sam. I'm now 16 I'm known as the person people try to change. Most people fear me, but I'm only like this because I don't want to get any more hurt then I was in the past. I have walls put up walls that no one can break. Your thinking that I'm going yo find some one to change that but guess what. Nope

I have moved yet again to another part of California Fresno. Or know as my home town the place where everything began I guess I can call this place home tell the creators of my life find me again. I'm sighing up for school again mainly because I want a future. If I make it there. School starts tomorrow so I need to find a place to stay with no questions asked. I will be living in a motel till I find a place.

I'm bored so I'm going to go find a club I need to get drink. I bake sure to grab my wallet with my fake ID. As soon as I walk out my door I see the love of my life. My motorcycle I don't know much about them but the basic change a tire, oil change, etc. I climb on and put my helmet on and drive off. I love the wind in my face it makes me feel free.

I have been driving over an hour haven't seen one club but I seen a block back what looks like a high school party it's been a while since I been to one with out getting shot at so fingers crossed. I no I'm not invited, but you can't crash it if you are. Right?

Anyway as soon as I pull up I see that there is no where to park so I pull up on the grass. Don't judge I love my baby and I do not want to walk far.

I start to walk in the big beach house when I feel a hand grab my shoulder. My first instinct is to punch so I go to punch and I realized it is just some girl with beach blond hair.

"What the fuck is your problem" I said getting mad I hate being touched.

"I oh I'm sorry I just didn't recognize you are you new around here" she said

"So what if I am, that is none of your business... can I help you with something" I said getting annoyed.

"Oh no I was just wanting to introduce myself... I'm lille by the way"

"Oh um...I'm Sam"

"Cool do you know someone at this party. If not you are going to need help getting in"

"No but I think I got this" I say as I walk up to the front door I see a large bald guy wearing all black clothes. I guess he is suppose to look scary or something. It's very hard to scare me. As I walk up he says.

"Can I help you with something miss"

"No you can't" I say smiling

"What are you doing here then?"

"I'm here to party" I say in a duh tone.

"I don't think you were invited, so move on before you start causing trouble"

I smirk "well we don't want that now do we, you know you can get in a lot of trouble for letting underage kids to drink right you would not want for that to slip out to my friends dad over there now would you." I say smirking

" go in.." he said shuddering.

I wave over lille " now it's time to party " we say at the same time.

Sam's personality is kinda based off Kehlani.

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