Cass's and Niall's background story part one

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"Niall, we need too talk" she said and than grabbed my hand and waked away with me. I didn't really want to, but she had my hand in hers, so i couldn't really do anything.

she suddenly stopped, and started to talk. "I know where over. I know that you hate me, But i defiantly don't hate you. the thing is, I have though of the whole relationship thing and I think we worked quite well with each other. So, will you start it all over with me.. please?"

It went quiet. I didn't know what to say. I wanted to say sooooo much like: "Yes I hate you! So d*mn much! And relationship? did you call a one night stand a relationship? well I don't!" But i didn't say all those stuff, i just looked into her eyes and than started to talk. "No, Cass, I won't" I just said that and than walked away. I couldn't believe I just said that. I sounded so bi'*chy almost, but if I didn't say it sooner, she would have kissed me. I know that, because she came closer and closer to me as she talked.

She has hurt me enough.

We went to prom. we danced. we had fun. But after the dance, The prom, all of the people walked home exempt me and Cass. I wanted to go home, but she wanted me to follow her to her place. I agreed and i regret every single second of it. but at that point i didn't know. I though she wanted to each a movie or something with me. But no, she wanted to do WAY more than that. so we walked.. and walked.. and walked. than we were there. She looked at me with a cute smile, but not with the ordinary cute girl smile, she looked at me with a I-kinda-love-you smile. I liked that. It was so real I though.

Sorry for the creepley short chapter!!<3

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