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Today had been a very eventful day but it seemed to have not ended on a bad note after all. My shoulders felt heavier than usual, like I had the world's burden on me. Technically, I did, since it was up to me to do what Hunter's vision instructed.

I still wasn't sure about this whole thing but I wasn't about to let my doubts get in the way of finding my parents. They were too important to me for me to let them down. If there was any possibility of finding them, I would give my life to do so.

When Caleb, Hunter and Pete had decided that they were the remaining three in the group of five, they decided to walk me home. It was almost 8pm but there was enough time for them to take me home and get back to their lodge in time.

I felt like I had no choice in the matter, they were taking over what was supposed to be my mission. Finding my parents is my job, not theirs.

I was anxious to tell Marie about these recent occurrences and I wasn't sure how she would react. My mind pondered on her decision, regarding what I would ask her to do, for several hours before I could fall asleep.


Before I knew  it, it was morning. I had barely gotten any sleep and it was unlike me to wake up this early. Even if I walk as slow as a snail, chances are I would still make it to the base in time. That is how early it is.

My stomach was unsettled, it felt like I had a thousand butterflies speeding up inside me. Nervousness, I guess. Caleb, Hunter and Pete also decided last night that today would be the day to test out our theory regarding the Black-
Zone. If anything happened to us, it would be fate, they said. I had to give it to them, they were brave.  They weren't cowards like me.

I don't think I have it in me to do any of this. I am counting on Marie to boost my confidence and I really hope she will be eager to join this craziness.

I waited for an hour to see if she would come and see me, so we could walk to the base together and I could tell her everything.  She didn't show up so I left the cabin and made my way to the base, anxious to see her.

She was nowhere to be found when I arrived so I reluctantly went in to have my bath. Pete wasn't on duty today, thankfully.  Although I doubt he would have given me any problems after yesterday's events, save for a couple of harsh words.

After a couple of minutes, I was out again, looking around for her. She was still nowhere to be found.

Eventually, I stood in the unusually short line for food, giving in to my desires. My mind was off Marie as I focused on the smell of the porridge. It doesn't sound satisfying, and it truly isn't but hey, you learn to love what you have and Riddle-land doesn't have much food choices.

"Thank you," I said and left with a bowl full of porridge.

I stood a fair distance away from the base, but still close enough to see anyone coming or going to the showers. I began eating my porridge slowly, enjoying the warm feeling it brought to my stomach. It was white in colour, with a few lumps here and there, but it was warm. There's not much I can say about the taste, it's very plain.

Marie finally came in, rushing to the showers. I didn't want to stop her because I didn't want her to be late. I watched her go and waited patiently for her to come back out.

When she did, she spotted me and ran to hug me. "Oh! I'm so happy you're safe! I was worried about leaving you with them. What happened?"

"I was worried about you too," I said sincerely. "Get your food and I'll tell you everything."

It wasn't long before she came back. I told her everything, surprised at my accuracy. She was a little shocked, but she seemed to be absorbing all of this fairly well.

"So what do you think?" I said without blinking, as if a blink could cause me to miss her answer. I had been thinking about it all night and all morning.

"I'll come with you," She said after a while.

"Are you sure?" I asked, my heart leaping from joy but my brain wanting to confirm.

"Yes. I can't leave you alone with them," Marie repeated.

"But your parents, they won't-"

"They don't have to know." My eyes widened at her response. Marie was never one to hide anything for her parents. I was surprised to see what lengths she was willing to go for me.

"Okay. Thank you," I said, hugging her.

"I have to go. I want to spend some time with them before, you know," She said, pulling away from me.

"Sure, Meet me at my cabin before 8pm?"

"Yes, ofcourse," Marie said and walked away.

I looked around for Caleb or Hunter and when I didn't see them, I also went back 'home'.

Later in the evening, four people were in my cabin. Pete had brought some weapons, Hunter had brought some snacks and Caleb had a couple of torches with him. Marie came a little late, she had me panicking because I thought she decided it was ridiculous. Or even worse, that she had told her parents.

When it was almost 8pm, we went outside. It is crazy how strangers are willing to do something of this magnitude for someone they barely knew, but then again, they all had their hidden agenda. Caleb wanted to find his brother, Hunter wanted to understand his visions and Pete, well he wanted to be the hero. Marie, on the other hand was doing this for me.

We stood in a line, holding each other's hands. Marie held my left hand and Caleb held my right hand. Caleb's right hand held Hunter's and Pete was on Hunter's right hand side.

"It's almost time," Pete warned.

"I'm sorry, I can't. W-what if we die? W-what if we end up somewhere worse. How are you all so relaxed?" I asked as I removed my hand from Caleb and Marie's, walking away from them.

"Don't chicken out, Dana. Think about your parents. Nothing will happen to us," Marie said, gesturing for me to come back.

"How do you know?" I asked, wanting to believe her.

"I just do. Trust me," She said.

I thought about leaving them but the image of my parents calling for me flashed across my eyes and I walked back to them in shame.

We had one minute left.

"Brace yourselfs," Caleb shouted. "Whatever happens, we're in this together. We stick together."

"For freedom!" Pete yelled boldly as Caleb counted.

"1," Caleb said, holding my hand tighter so I wouldn't get away.



Giving Marie one last smile, I closed my eyes. I felt the cold coming from the sky. This is it. The Black Zone. We either die or we find out what's really there. Either way, I was terrified to the core.


So it's been a year, damn.
I truly apologise for bailing on you guys like that but I have a good reason.

I just finished a year in a wonderful  place  (note the sarcasm) called Wits Dental School. I don't even know if I've passed right now and somehow I still hope to proceed to the next year. Talk about Masochism. 🙄

I'm back now! And I'm going to try and finish this book 😁

-Thanks for still reading

Yours in guilt,
Becks 😋

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