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Hey Muchkin, 

Today’s 13 May 2012. You know what that means? Somebody’s a year older. I bet if you were here, you would be rolling your eyes at me, the same move I thought you when you were three. I remember your third birthday. You woke me up at six in the morning, by jumping on me, might I add, demanding your presents like the spoiled little Salvatore you were and then jumped on Stefan, doing the same. Then, you dragged a grumbling half-asleep Stefan and I outside, yelling  “Dami, Steffi, presents now please” until I gave in. 

I miss you, Ria. Everyday. I wished that I could turn back time and saved you from death. I wish I could’ve turned you so that the three of us could stick together. Perhaps, Stefan and I wouldn’t have fought the way we did. Probably because you would’ve whacked us both in the heads. I remember watching from afar, your memorial, when you laid in the coffin, looking so peaceful and innocent. And there I was, a bloodthirsty vampire, fighting every urge to go on a killing spree. Of course, I did go on said killing spree, right after I turned off the switch, coincidentally right after they buried you deep, reminding me of what I’ve lost. Then, I focused on making Stefan’s life miserable for forcing me into this miserable existence. I can see you in my head, rolling your eyes and then glaring at me. Of course, his lapdog, Lexi, tried to be my psychologist, in order for me to leave Stefan alone. I did leave him alone. Until last year that is. I came back home. 

Mystic Falls. The place where the three of us grew up, where Stef and I fell in love and where you broke your two front teeth one Thursday afternoon, playing hide and seek with Stef and I. I came back to Mystic Falls, to release dear old Katherine from the tomb. I can see your eye roll again, and then followed by a ‘Why can’t you leave that two-timing bitcherina alone?’ In all fairness, I was obsessed with her and the idea of love. I thought if I got her out of the tomb, she would love me and then we would be together and ride off the sunset, like a non-existent fairlytale. Blerk! Well, she wasn’t in the tomb and I screwed up royally. Of course, your brother wasn’t any help. He was busy gallavanting with Miss Elena Gilbert, who so happens to be a dead ringer for Katherine. Only she’s not Katherine. Elena’s sweet, kind and pure. Someone who puts herself before anyone else.  Someone who saw through me, my good looks and charms. Someone who would never go for a guy like me. 

Now, I’m sitting here, waiting for my pending doom because our idiot brother gave himself to Klaus a.k.a The Living Satan. You see, dear old Katherine decided to show her face, bringing along her string of problems and destruction. To cut off her string of problems and destruction, Katherine told Klaus about Elena and found the moonstone. The moonstone belonged to some werewolves, so I enlisted my stupid self, to get the damn moonstone. I accidently killed one of them, okay maybe it wasn’t an accident. Then yada yada yada, Klaus got the moonstone and then gleefully arranged a stupid ritual to free his stupid ass from changing from wolf to vamp. In order to successfully complete the ritual, Elena has to die, unfortunately. But, Klausy’s good brother, Elijah, knew a witch and jujued Elena back to life. 

Just when we thought everything was over, the wolves, namely Tyler ‘Jockhead’ Lockwood want revenge on me for killing on his uncle. Oops, my bad. Anyways, Tyler bit me. That mongrel bit me. Apparently, he didn’t mean to bite me. But that good- for-nothing, football-throwing, airhead muttboy bit me. To not get killed, we needed the Living Satan’s blood to cure me. Our good brother decided that he should be the one to retrieve said cure. Frankly, I was ready to die. I’ve lived a 165 long miserable years, falling in love the first time, only to find out 150 years later, she was just stringing me along, and it will always be St.Stefan and then falling in love again, only to loose out to Stefan. Anyways, while our brother was on his quest to save me, I said my goodbyes, ready to receive whatever judgement I had coming. And as I lay dying beside Elena, Katherine walked in the house, handing me the cure, then casually stating that Stefan agreed to be Klaus’ new minon-vamp. Knowing Klaus, Klaus would have forced Stefan to turn off his humanity. Thus, re-introducing the ripper Stefan to the world again, disrupting the peace and quiet that graced America and the world. 

I bet you’re shaking your head now, or even making a deal with God himself to get yourself down here to smack Stefan back to his humanity. I wish you were here, Ria. You would know what to do. You always do. Even though you were the baby of the family, you kept us together. You were the glue that held us Salvatore siblings. Geez, what I’ve give to have you back here? Who would’ve thought Damon Salvatore, Mystic Fall’s very own bad boy vampire was such a sap? Rest in Paradise, Sister. I love you and miss you.

Your tough, strong, handsome big brother,


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