14. Are You Crying?

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-Justin's POV-

"What happened?" I asked, carefully.

"Nothing..." her voice shook.

"Then can you take the wig off?" I said.

"No." She replied flatly.

"C'mon..." I playfully pulled on her wig, and it easily fell off. She didn't try to stop me. But there were more bruises and scars. Some were still bleeding.

"Did that bastard-"

"ITS NOTHING, JUSTIN!" She shouted. her eyes producing tears.

Surprised, I took a step back.

"You ditched the date, then I got beat up. You came here today and I got beat up again! It's all because of you!" She cried.

Dumbfounded, I hugged her. "Babe... I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have-"

She pulled away an pointed a finger at me. "Don't. Touch. Me." Those three words ripped through my heart. I bet you, it's bleeding. "And go to hell." She put her wig back on and took my wrist. She pushed me put the door to face the paparazzi. Ugh...

I ran almost fighting against the paps. Why is my life such a mess? It's my fault that Mia is crying and hurt right now! You're an asshole, bieber. Do what she told you. Go to hell!

-Mia's POV-

After crying for a good bit, I decided to take a shower. I made sure my room was locked then that the bathrooms were locked. I stripped from all my clothes and turned the water on. I moaned, feeling the hot water on my back. I winced as it hit my head. Hot water hurts your wounds... ugh... I clenched my hands because of the pain. I started at my hand and thought back to Justin. Justin was trying to protect me, so he clenched his hands as if to punch someone. Yet I blamed everything on him and chased him away. I groaned. Now I feel bad. I even told him to go to hell! I slapped myself then screamed. Stupid bruises, stupid Stephan, stupid Mia. Now, tears were rolling down my cheeks. Tears hotter than the shower water... I wiped them and looked for my body wash soap.

It was next to the shampoo. I cried more. I remembered when I started losing my hair... I woke up from the hospital bed and scratched my head. Chunks of hair fell down to the ground or to my hands. Surprised, I pulled my hair and it came out. I screamed and made sure I didn't touch my hair nor no one or nothing did. I remembered the doctor telling me couple minutes ago that I'll have the symptoms normal cancer patients do... or symptoms that people that are taking chemothrapy do. Which includes losing hair. I stayed in the hospital for days... until I found the perfect wig. It was short, up to my shoulders. It was slightly wavey and almost bleached. I don't know why I loved it, but I did. I wore it to school and acted normal. Days past and I got a longer one, the color was Ariana Grande red. The color suited my better. But every time I saw Val's hair, I felt so jealous. Jealous that SHE had hair, jealous that HER hair can't be pulled off, jealous that SHE could feel her hair, jealous of this and jealous of that. But I never told her. If I do, I had a feeling she'll shave her head...

I sighed and got out. I groaned when I noticed that I didn't wash. I went back in and turned the water back on. I used soap and stepped out, my wounds stinging. I carefully dried up and stared at the mirror. My reflection stared back, except it looked filthy. Cuts and bruises everywhere... I felt more tears trickering down my cheeks. I wiped them, again, and went out to the room. I changed into shorts and a crop top; my pj's. I called Chris. I didn't want him to see me like this.

"Hey..." Chris's voice was husky.

I giggled. "What were you doing with Gabriella?"

"We were kissing. No, we were fucking so hard. Oh God, I'm gonna cum."

"Okay okay! TMI!"

I heard him chuckled. "I'm kidding. I'm not with her right now."

"Uh huh..."

"Mia, I'm with my friends, I swear!"

"Okay okay, gosh... anyways..." I gulped. "You can sleep over somewhere. Stephen's at home and..." I gulped again. I hated lying to my brother. "And I don't wanna go home. Plus, I don't want you getting hurt."

"Oh... Okay Mia! I'll see ya tomorrow then!"

"Okay..." I answered as he hung up.

Next, I stared at my phone. I scrolled down on my phonebook. A, B, C, D ,E, F, G, H, I, J... Justin, Justin, Justin... wait, where the hell is his number? I went to the recent phone calls thing. Chris, Valentine, Bieber. Oh... it's saved as Bieber. I called him. It rang and rang and rang. It went to his voice message. I didn't really hear his message and left a message. "Hey Justin, I'm sorry... I didn't mean to blame everything on you. I'm sorry." I finished but stared at my phone screen. I cancelled it. I'll say sorry tomorrow at school... or something...


I groaned and changed into my work clothes that Stephan got for me. A short tight black dress, a black thong, a white apron, and black heals. He said "it brings pleasure to the eyes." Pleasure to his eyes my ass. He had security cameras all over this place. Apart from my room and my bathroom. I checked the whole place. So I'm not taking any chances on not changing. I tied my hair into a messy bun and went to get a bucket of water. I started with Stephan's room. I groaned, looking at the mess. I got all the clothes off and threw it into the laundry basket. I got the trash out, too. Beer bottles, cigars, food wrappers, bras, panties, condoms, and etc. The bedsheets better not be dirty. I double checked and saw that they were clean. I sighed in relief and made his bed. I wiped the floor with a rag. He doesn't want to get a vacuum cuz it's "wasting money". Personally, I think it's cuz he wants me to work more... ugh... I made sure the floor was shining, and got up. I pulled my dress down, just in case... I wiped at the windows. The first time I saw Stephan, it wasn't all this bad. Honestly, his looks aren't terrible for a 34 year old man. But his room says it all. All he does is eat, drink, fuck, smoke, and sleep. Oh yea, uses violence, too.

I cleaned the hallways and and slowly got down the stairs. These heels are so high and slippery! I slipped and rolled down the stairs. The bucket fell with me, pouring dirty filthy water all over me. But I could care less. I was trying to breathe. I lay flat on my back. In, out, in, out. I finally got to breathing for who knows how long and slowly walked to the living room. No one used it, so it was clean. I wiped the floors just in case. At least where the security camera stretches to. I went to the kitchen when I'm done. It was also clean.

Now, I was shivering. It's so cold! And it doesn't help that water should all over me! I looked out the window. It was raining and it was getting dark. There was a loud knock on the door. I ran over. Stephan's back, already?

I quickly opened the door to face... "Justin? What the hell are you doing here?" His shoulders moved up and down. "Are you crying?" I asked.


So i updated... *sigh*

Im so busy and tired these days...


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