24. Three Things

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《 I wanted to tell him to calm down that it will be alright... But no, although his sentences were broken I understood clearly what he was trying to tell me. 》

-Justin's POV-

I felt my phone slip outta my hands as my legs gave out.

"Justin, what is the matter?" U had no idea if it was Usher or Scooter.

Mia's heart stopped beating.

"Justin?" Someone called my name.

I picked up my phone. "I... I gotta go. I'm so sorry guys."

I ran. Riding a car might lead to something bad since I"m not in my right mind.

I didn't even tell her I loved her! Her heart... It cannot be. I wasn't even with her at her last moment! I... oh Lord please help me.

I prayed as I ran. Prayed and prayed.

I burst in the hospital and literally screamed. “MIA!”

The nurses and doctors ran and rushed over to me and almost had to hold me down. "Please. You cant do this here. Please don't panick the patients."

I tried to calm down, trust me I tried. I tried so hard but failed. My whole body was basically spasming, shaking. The people around looked at me in different ways. Some looks showed amusement. Justin Bieber panicking. Some looks showed pity. I probably look like I've lost my mind. And so much more.

"Pl... please. I.. I... I real... I really need t... to... to see... Doc... Doctor... Doctor M... Mil... Milton." My body was shaking so hard I couldn't even talk properly.

"Please calm down." A blonde haired lady nurse looking person said to me.

I shook my head. I'm trying so much. But not working.

"I think he's drunk." I over heard from the people watching me.

I probabaly do look drunk. I can't control my body. Except this hangover will be the worse. And I will never be able to forget it. Cuz instead of a pounding headache, Mia, the girl I love, would be gone. Forever.

"Do you think he will be a danger to Milton?" A nurse said to the other.

"I don't know Ms. Brent. He's suffering from a severe loss at the moment."

Ms. Brent was about to say something, maybe to agree, maybe to disagree, but I don't and didn't care. I dropped to my knees infront of all the nurses. I closed my eyes and took deep breaths.

"Please... Doctor Milton's... severe loss is my... I love her... Please."

Suddenly all eyed were on me. The nurses whispered amongst themselves. I stayed on my knees  I didn't know if my legs could support me.

Soon when and as the nurses departed, two male nurses helped me up. I let out a gasp as they half led and half dragged me to Milton. We faced a white hospital door and one nurse knocked the door. I heard them call out bolts of electricty but the numbers don't seem to enter my ears. I sighed as the nurses dressed me, covered my hair with a net thingy, sanitized me and etc. I walked in and sat in a cornor. I croached down and hugged my knees. I could see the electric bolts go higher and higher and Mia's body bounced off from the bed everytime.

"HIGHER!" Milton shouted.

"Doc, you have to calm down. It's too high already. If we go any higher sher might not make it at all."

Milton's face was tear stained. "Just this last time."

It soon all went in slow motion. He electric bolt went up and Milton slowly put it to Mia's chest. It was dead silent as the electric shock shot through her body and her body bounced off.

Count Of Three, We Run (Justin Bieber)Where stories live. Discover now