Another fan! this one is for Connor and Reema @O2LConnorFranta

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"Reema. Where are you? We need to get the first spot for M&G!! you sarah shout from down stairs. "I'm coming I'm just fixing my hair". You come down stairs and hug Sarah and you quicky get a banana and eat it on your way out!

You get in the car along with Sarah. Sarah quicky starts the car and drives the car out of the parking area. "I'm so excited for this we are going to meet Connor I'm so happy" Sarah gives you a quick glare "I know we this is the best" 

Sarah turns the car towards the parking to the venue seeing tons of screaming girls you felt like screaming too. Sarah parks the car. You both come out of the car all excited! Sarah locks the car and you both runs towards the line for the meet and greet for Connor Franta. You see Connor taking photos with fans and you scream. sarah gets so happy along with you "Reema, Reema we are here OMG CONNOR IS HERE TO!. You both start to fan girling!! 

It had been 2 hours since you have been waiting excitment still rushing through your veins! You and Sarah were now 5 spaces away from him!! you got so happy!! untill Connor started walking away and waving! You shake your head in worry "NOOO NO NOO"  Sarah asks the person infront of you "ermm do you know whats going on"? the girl replies sadly "yeah Connor had to go" You start to tear up and Sarah hugging you didn't make you feel good "lets just go" you say with a heartbroken voice. "Do you want to go starbucks" Sarah says you nodd. You make you way to the car and and you buckle your seat belt.

You both sat there in the car sad with nothing to say. You got out of the venue hearing girls scream "WE MET CONNOR" that made you feel worse. It had been around 15mins since you past the venue and almost reaching starbucks. You feel the car stopping you look around and you see that you were outside starbuck. You unbuckle your seat belt and get out the car.

Sarah opens the door for both of you. You smile at her as you go in. You walk to the counter to the lady "hello may I have the cappacino" the lady smiles and starts making the cappacino. "I will go find a table" you towards the table with your head down. You bump into someone with a Camera spilling coffee on your hand "OUCH"!. You look up and see Connor and your hand burning. Your remain there in shock not even realising the pain! "are you ok? I'm so sorry I will go get napkins" you stand there look at your hands about to tear up. Connor comes back with tissues and leaves his camera on the table. He softly get the napking onto your hands and blows. He looks up at you with a tear coming down your eye. He gets his other hand and softly strokes your cheek. He was so close to you could smell taco bell. You both smile at each other. He finished cleaning your had and lets go slowly. Your Connor Franta I love you so much!" he smiles and says "I love you more" 

Sarah was behind Connor 7 meters away you see her making kiss faces you giggle a bit "I have to go" Connor stops you and asks "emm I know its to early to ask this even say this, but do you want to be together as in date?" you stood there Shocked trying to find away to say yes. You nodd he comes close to you slowly and kisses you on the lips. It felt magical it was passionate and warm you could feel the heat you didn't want to back out but you did realising you were in public. You smile at him "thank you for that" he replied with a quick response "any time i'm here for you since you are my girlfriend" your in shock you hug him and walk away. realising you now had a soulmate a person you truly love!

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