its been time so now I am going to write for @grindonjc with Jc caylen!!

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You wake up really early at 6am having an alarm to wake you up with the song darkside as the tune to wake you up. Today you were meeting O2L all of them. You couldn't feel more happy. You get out of bed with a yawn and a smile and you head towards the bathroom to have a shower and freshen up.

You come out the bathroom 25mins later getting even more excited. You get changed into your caylen top, blue jeans and converses. "Mell, where are you it me Sara, get ready we have to be first in line!" You looked confused seeing it was only 9am and the event was at 2pm, but you knew how badly the queues are going to turn out. "I'm coming" you shouted from upstairs. You come down stairs more than a excited smile more like a about to burst in to happiness smile. 

You both look at each for a second and you start to scream! "THIS IS IT MELL THE DAY WHERE IT ALL CHANGES AHH". You had nothing to say becasue it was all true. You quickly go to the kitchen and grab a banana grapes and an apple to eat in the car. 

You quicky go to the hall mirror to fix your hair a bit. "Hurry Mell we need to be first in line!" You rush out of the house with the keys and lipgloss! You both walked up to the car where Sara's mum was waiting. You both get into the back seats of the car all happy and pumped!

It was all silent till you got a notification text from twitter with ricky tweeting out "DIGIFEST UK SUPER PUMPED" Your eyes widend and you show Sara the tweet you both squeal. "whats going on" Sara's mum says. "Nothing" you both say. it had now been a 15min wait in the car your were now outside the venue. You both got out of the car. "Bye" you both said to Sara's mum. she waved and reversed out.

You both run to the queue as fast as you could and feeling even more happy that there was no one in the VIP queue you were the first people there. You got in the queue with deep breaths trying to take it all in. 

The time is now 2pm everyone is behind you and Sara it turning out great! Till it gets better.. You look back and yours and Sara's eyes are wide open you see Jc, Ricky, Kian, Trevor, Sam and Connor all walking inside the venue waving at everyone. You shout "Jc" about 9 times till he notices you and winks. You start to fangirl and blush and sara was laughing with you.

You had finally been let in now. You were both inside and you see them pull of a cover of something large it was an..... O2L kissing both. You both screamed happily in joy! since you were the first people you got the first chance which made you both so happy, Jc and Connor both get into the kiss both and say "who is fist" you both take in a big gulp and take a step forward. 

Jc says to you "hey whats your name sweetie" you smile. "My name is Mell". "thats a really sweet name" he replies back. Jc turns his cheek to the right giving you permission to kiss him. You close your eyes in he turns his head but turned and the right time for you to kiss him on the lips. Your eyes widend "omg I'm so sorry Jc" he didn't say anything but he came close and wispered in your ear "don't worry It was nice, we should meet up" he gave you his number on a peice of paper and you went red he smiled and kissed you on the cheeck and he said " love you babe".

You both walked away to the artist lounge "oh my gosh Mell that was so sweet what he did you guys are going to turn out amazing... I ship you now #Jell what a beautiful name" you smile and hug Sara and say "thanks for the ship name loving it" 

From that day you and Jc started dating and Connor and Sara started dating and your lives were perfect!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2013 ⏰

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