fights and feelings

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A/n: So you guys couldn't see most of the story! I'm so sorry, I don't know how that even happened! Luckily, I still had it all saved on my iPad so you should be able to see it now. Thanks to everyone who told me!
Also, here's a new chapter for you, cuz you're all the best!! ❤️


Pre game warm up. I skate around the empty net with a puck on my stick, do a few stick handles and send it into the top corner. I look up towards the box on the left side of the arena and spot Kasey instantly. She's chatting away with Mony's girlfriend, Britt, her glowing presence evident even from down on the ice.

I smile. She's really come out of her shell.

As I look up at her, she looks away from Britt and down at me. A bright smile lights up her face as I wave at her. She waves back, and I wink, seeing a blush rise up her cheeks.

A stick whacks my side, and I turn to face Hudler, "So how was your day, Johnny boy?" He asks with a smirk on his face, knowing I spent the entire day with my girlfriend.

My lips curve into a smile once again as I think about the day. I drove her around to my favourite spots in Calgary, one hand on the wheel and one linked through hers, which I knew she loved. We went for lunch and I bought her ice cream, then went for a walk through the park, just talking, before I came to show her around the arena. Once we got to the Dome, she was the most excited I've ever seen her. Although we didn't have a lot of time before I had to head to the dressing room, I enjoyed every minute.

Every minute with her makes my feelings more intense.

Of course, I don't tell Hudler all of this, "It was pretty great." Is what I do say.

Hudler grins at me, "I'm happy for you, buddy." He says, "Now get your ass away from the boards and warm up." He gives me a light shove, and I laugh as I glance in Kasey's direction once more before skating off after Hudler.


2nd period: 10:23 left
Nashville 2 Calgary 0

Wideman argues with the ref as he's escorted over to the penalty box to join Gio. Another bullshit tripping call and now the Predators have a 2 man advantage, and we've taken 4 penalties in 28 minutes of playing time.

Great. As if the first period wasn't disastrous enough.

I skate to the bench so our penalty killers can come on. I sit down on the bench and take a swig of water as Coach yells at the guys on the ice.

Yeah, he's NOT happy.

We manage to kill off the 2 man advantage, but once Gio comes back on the ice, the puck finds its way to Weber and the Dome is silent as he fires the puck past Hiller.

"Shit." I mutter under my breath. Hiller comes over to the bench, looking as pissed as Ramo replaces him on the ice.

About 5 minutes later, my pass finds Mony in the high slot, and the goal horn goes off when it gets by Rinne.


As we skate back to centre ice, Smith comes close to my side, and makes a comment that makes my blood boil and my fists clench at my sides.

"Nice assist, Gaudreau. Was it for that ugly bitch you call your girlfriend?"

My eyes flash red with anger as I whip around to glare at him. He raises an eyebrow as he looks down at me, "What? What are you gonna do?"

I'm too angry for my brain to form a proper response, but I hear one from behind me.

"I'll do something, asshole."

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