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"Hey Cart, just thought I would check in before the plane lands," Reid said. The team had just discussed the case a little more and he thought he should check in on Carter before her interview.

"Where are you heading to?" She asked.

"Ironically, Las Vegas," Spencer laughed.

"If you have time do me a favor and pick up some muffins from Pete's," Carter said. Pete's was her favorite bakery and has been since she was a kid. It was where she and Spencer met.

"That place is still open? Wow I can't believe that, I guess it's just as popular as it was when we were kids," Reid smiled.

The two began sharing their favorite memories from that bakery. It made them realize how much they actually missed each other. 

Meanwhile across the jet, JJ, Morgan and Emily were eavesdropping on the conversation Reid was having. They made comments every so often but it was mostly facial expressions so they could here what he was saying. 

"Hey Spen?" Carter began to ask him a question. She wanted to find out if her dad would be working with him. He was a chief at a precinct in Vegas. The man refused to retire. "Could you find out if your working at my dad's precinct?"

"Hold on one second," Reid said. He turned to the rest of the team, knowing they were listening in and asked, "I would let you guys finish eavesdropping but I was wondering who the detective was on the case,"

JJ, Morgan and Emily scrambled a little bit and you could hear mumbles of them trying to cover up the fact that they were listening in. 

"Chief Monroe made the call. That's all I know," Hotch replied.

"I guess I am working with your dad," Reid said to Carter.

She sighed, "Listen, he's really worried about me, so can you just tell him I'm staying with you?"

Spencer nodded, "Yeah of course...Well, I think we're going to land soon so I'm gonna go. I'll talk to you soon,"

"Bye Spen," Carter clicked her phone off.

Reid moved over to where JJ, Morgan and Emily were. Morgan laughed and asked, "Are you absolutely sure you're not dating her?"

Spencer shook his head, "I've known Carter since we were nine. She's probably the only close friend I ever had when I was a kid, why ruin that?"

"So, if I asked her what you were like outside of the BAU, she'd know?" Emily smirked.

"More like before the BAU, but I guess so,"

"So what kind of things did you do?" JJ asked.

"Oh no. You guys do not need to know these things," Reid said.

"Oh come on pretty boy! Give us something!" Morgan exclaimed.

"Nope," Spencer made sure to pop the p when he spoke.

"When this case is over, Carter is coming out with us for ladies night," Emily laughed.

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