Chapter Two

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"Dead," I repeat, "right." I let the word drag out, giving me time to look around my room for a weapon of some sort. This guy was mental.

There was my lamp on the pile of books next to my bed, with force behind my swing, that thing could do a lot of damage.

"Yes, dead," he replied in annoyance. "Obviously you can't grasp the concept, I mean you don't exactly look like someone smart enough to understand a simple sentence."

He eyes me up and down.

I can't believe this guy! He's standing in my room, in my house, with no explanation at all. Yet he has the nerve to talk to me like that! God he's such a psycho dick!

My eyes narrow. But as I stare at him, I realise I'm the one acting crazy. My mind whirled around trying to make sense of everything; the accident, my amnesia, this guy, this creep.

I started laughing, actually laughing. So bad that I couldn't stop. His face screws up in confusion, watching me closely. I just couldn't stop.

"Why the hell are you laughing?" He asks in a cool tone but the flicker of anger in his eyes betrays him.

"I'm sorry," I say through the laughter of tears streaming down my face. "I realised something and it's just so funny."

His head tilted to the side, a piece of his curly black hair fell, but he didn't bother to move it back.

"It's just-" a fit of giggles erupted again, I almost bent over from lack of oxygen. "You're obviously crazy!"

His face fell, I could tell he was unimpressed.

"That's it, you're crazy, I've been having an actual conversation with a crazy person!" I nod as if to agree with myself.

"You don't know who you are, why you're here and you think you're dead, a ghost." I make an unpleasant sound trying to hold back more laughter. I don't know why I found all this so funny, after all these past events happening, I think my mind just couldn't take it anymore.

But then he smiles, a great big grin. My stomach drops in response, the fit of giggles swallowed up.

"Yes!" He exclaims, opening his arms up as if a blessing had been given. "You're absolutely right."

I stand there, an invisible hand around my neck stopping me from saying anything. Stopping me from breathing.

"I guess I'll go then," with that smile still on his face, but not as wide, he charges toward me, my mind too slow to keep up with what was happening.

I managed a few steps back before his long strides closed the large gap between us.

He didn't stop, he kept walking.

Straight through me.

I whirled around, but he wasn't there, he had vanished.

Did I just imagine all that? No. Absolutely not, the anger and dread remained, clawing on top of one another, fighting to be the winning emotion. Dread won.

If someone could see me, I imagine my eyes would be wide, mouth making an 'o' shape as well as being white as a sheet.

As white as that creep was. As white as a ghost.

Realisation hit me. Hard. I could have almost fallen backward if it wasn't for the door frame behind me, catching my shoulder and jabbing pain into it to snap me back.

He was a fucking ghost! Creep wasn't lying, he was dead.

Ghosts were real. I believed in the 'spirit world', but I've never had an experience of my own.

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