It Happens To The Best Of Us

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Mark checked his phone once more just to see Felix inspirational words
(No there not)once more:  
"Don't worry"
"Cry and I will see you at lunch"

These words seem all too convincing . He locked his phone and stuff it in his pocket, He reminded himself of his class but had no idea where he was suppose to be. Music caught his attention, He followed the sound and slowly open the door, the artist stopped and looked at him...He had greyish hair mixed with brown at top of it shocking green in the same style of Mark. Mark was starting to worry this guy would think he's copying him but the guy just smile at him..

"You lost cutie?"

Mark asked himself why he was blushing,

"Mark right?"

Mark then asked himself how this guy knew his name,

"How long has it been now like three years....oh yeah ya don't remember do you?"

So that's how this guy knew him, they must have be friend before the accident..but then why did he stick around?

"Ugh your b..before the accident, sorry I don't actually remember, if it was for my friends I wouldn't remember them..but I guess your important?" Asked Mark

"...I'm the reason why your hairs dye Merk."


"name Seán but you can call me Jack."


"Word to the wise Merk, go back through ya old videos might actually do you some good" Jack give him a small wink

"Will do."responded Mark

"What class do you have?"


Jack got up and handed Mark a Map of the compound, showing and explain location to him then send Mark on his way Mark soon found his class.

(I will not write a physics lecture I don't even do physics, also their in college not high school magical time skip~)

Mark didn't except it, his heart was racing it wouldn't stop, Jack was right next him in the line and Mark felt like part of him just wanna to hug him and never let go. He didn't know why, he just met the guy and already he never wanted to stop talking to him. Jack glimpse Mark and smiled a little Mark could only feel his heart beat faster; Finally it was Jack's turn to order and Mark couldn't help himself he had to take the opportunity. He took out his phone and spanned a quick picture of Jack it came so well, too well his heart race even more (if it seems like I'm rushing this I just wanna be clear this will slow down just bear with it a little) he could feel the blood rush to his cheeks he should just stop, he put the phone in his pocket , Jack not gay..right? Should he asked..for crying out loud Mark wasn't even gay what was wrong with him today!

"'s your turn" a young Man said tapping on his shoulder

"S..sorry" Mark quickly broke out of his thought and made his order he felt like such a idiot

"Mark!" Felix called towards Mark who made his way to the table they sat at

"Hey guys."

"Sup friend." Greeted Cry well still forces on his laptop (yeah I put Cry in it would be Make him Cry without him)

"You looked real daze bro." Said the Swedish meatball

"Just thinking...hey guys about the car accident ,"

"What about it?" Asked ken

"He's probably just being unsure of us again,"mumbled Wade

"No we had a friend, Jack I think ... Why didn't you guys mention him before?"

There was an odd silence for a while, Cry's eye seem to be a bit watery, he did seem very interesting in this topic.

"Jack..isn't really our friend anymore" Felix finally broke the silence

"But why?"

"We just don't really like how he is right now." explain Ken

"Since when do we just avoid our friends?"asked Mark

"HEY WHAT ABOUT ME!!!!!!"shouted Yami as he passed by

"Sorry Yami!!" Said Wade as Yami walked away

"We just don't wanna talk about him he did some things OK" explain Felix

"What kind of thing?"

Cry could take of anymore "Hey guys have you seen this new video its so funny."

"I have not!" Answered Felix in a fake assumed voice every tho he knows he did

"Nether have, I have you Wade?" Asked Ken in the same tone

"No let's all watch it together!"

Cry fixed the laptop to a point where they could all see it. Mark seem this video a million times he knows the others have too

"Guys did you just change the subj-"

He was quickly interrupted by the loud laugher a video they seem so much it was even funny anymore he just drop the subject if they wouldn't talk about then he wasn't gonna kill them to.

(Tried time skip yaaaay *yawn*)

"So new target then?" Asked Minxs as she walked next to Jack who had just told her about meeting his old friend.

"Hmm I don't know maybe, would be fun to make septiplier cannon fan would die!" He let out a small chuckle

"It would be interesting."

Jack accidental bumped in Mark really it wasn't intentional it just sorta happen. Mark struggle to pick up all his books of courses Jack help it would be him if he didn't,

"Here"Jack hand Mark the book, Mark could still feel his heart racing he wanted to stop, He quickly took the book

"Know if your free we could get coffee or something..Caught on old times?"

"Ugh I r..really w..want to b..but (and boy did Mark want) but Cry's waiting on me a..and-"

"B..say no more have fun"

'did Jack just took No for an answer..who does that!' Mark thought to himself

"Yo..Mark let's go!"shouted Cry

"Right coming"

(Long drive home time skip)

"So your mom think he can fix it?"asked Cry

Felix ran his finger through his blue hair "Yeah she said he should have it up and running in two weeks. And then I'll take you out for a ride"

"I'd rather not that old thing always breakers down"

"It's the family car Cry what do you except" (that wasn't what you were thinking was it?)

"How about you Mark?"

"In your broken down machine no way!"answer Mark, Cry couldn't help but laugh it off as Felix protested how awesome his car was even tho he was lying, meanwhile Mark sneaked off to his room. He just sat at his computer thinking , wondering..why?he flip over the notepad to see Jack's number might as well right? He saved the number and sent a text: 

Mark: hey

Jack: Mark?

Mark: yeah

Jack: why couldn't you talk to me normally ?


Jack: I gonna call you stand by.

Mark phone start to ring instantly he couldn't do it he wasn't ready he place the phone on the table and watch it ring till it finally stop

Jack: suit yourself..

Wow that was a lot so this is actually A comic I doing on Da same username I wrote about 11thousand words wow! Anyways I will update on my free time I have enough to but this is the start enjoy

Spelling error fixed Yayayayaya 

More errors fixed

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