Cinnamon And Pepermint

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"Hey Markimoo"said Jack bopping Mark's nose.

" still use that nickname huh?"

"Hey look at you, you did watch the old videos."


"Well your not shuttering anymore..but ya cheeks are as red as a tomato." Jack let out a small chuckle 

"s..sorry." Mark really wish he would stop blushing

"ha ha ah relax Mark..the offer is still open if you want it?"

"y..yeah I'd love to."

"see you after classes then," Jack waved Mark good bye.

"yeah see you then.."

(lunch time skip mm this food is so good) 

"Hey guys," Mark sat down by his friends. Cry just keep he face planted on his laptop headphones on, hardly hearing a word..Mark was a bit brother by his friends not greeting him but he knew his friends still probably s didn't want to talk about this , 'right so how do we do this' Mark though for a moment then he spoke

"Hey't feel bad but,"

"But your ditching us for Jack..right?" Interrupted Cry

"How did, it's just..I'm not ditching you guys I just wanna get to know him better."

"No you don't, trust me!" Cry voice was rising a little you could sense he was tense

"Well why? you all seem to be against him but no told me why!"

"Because it's none of your business." Cry lowed his voice noticing he gained a few stares

"Why....? I been in dark ever since I woke up and out of no wear some get ditch and some just get up and leave...I think I have right to know what happen."

Mark and Cry where constantly throw words at each other the others just watched and didn't intervened not even a "claimed  down Mark" or a "that's enough Mark" its was a little odd to see Mark and Cry,  They were  like family arguing but family argues too right?

"Why is it so hard for you to listen to me!"Cry voices was the one that ended the argument it just stop right there why wouldn't it Cry was (as ironic as it was) crying it seem like he was  just trying to help, Mark got that he didn't get tho why Cry was so hurt


The bell saving everyone from any further embracement. cry pack up his stuff and stuff them in his bag keeping quiet

"I.. I'll be walking home today" explain Mark

Cry throw his bag over his shoulder "have fun with the devil." then he left

Should I just end it here OK I will



"So they don't seem to like you very much."said Mark hold the exit open as Jack walked out

"The have there reason."Jack took a sip of his coffee

"Why tho?"questioned Mark

"People just don't like when their secrets get out.."

"Why would let it out tho?"

"Sometimes ya get angry at someone and ya say tings you never meant just happens."

"......he seem really mad.."

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