Chapter 2

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Time for lunch.

I went to my locker to put my books away. As I walked in the cafeteria, there were many things going on.

There was music playing everywhere from students' phones. Carla and her crew were singing a few songs. Some guys were freestyle rapping at a few tables that I passed by.

I got my food and looked for a place to sit.

"Where you sittin at?" Troy asked.

I looked around and found an empty table. "Follow me."

I started walking towards the table when all of a sudden I fell to the ground.

My glasses fell off my face and I had spaghetti sauce all over myself. The whole cafeteria erupted in laughter. I moved my hands around in search of my glasses. I felt my face get hotter by the second.

Once I found my glasses I put them on to see Carla cracking up. I was instantly angered. Troy helped me clean my mess up and we walked out to my locker.

"Who is that girl?" Troy asked.

"That's Carla.."

"Well that was rude of her to do that."

I opened my bag and took out my back up shirt.

"You keep a shirt in your backpack?"

"Well.. This isn't the first time she's done that." I shut my locker. "I'm going to change in the restroom."

"I'll be in the cafeteria."

I walked in the girls' restroom and took my shirt off. I looked at the mixture of milk and spaghetti sauce on my shirt and sighed. I put in a white long sleeved polo shirt and tried to clean as much of the nastiness off my shirt as possible.

After that, I put my shirt away in my locker and walked the long way to the cafeteria.

I heard music playing in one of the doors I had just passed by. I looked through the window of the Art room and no one was in there. I looked through the window of the Music room and I was surprised to see Prodigy dancing. (the video on the side, skip to 0:18, and that part in black and white is the choreography he was doing) He was freakin AMAZING! I watched for a couple seconds before he turned around. I quickly turned around and hit my elbow against the door.


I quickly ran down the hall, closer to the cafeteria when I heard him open the door.

Luckily he didn't see me.

So Prodigy and Troy go to LASAS now? Well this will be a very interesting year..


"What took you so long?"

"When you were at Memorial High did you know someone by the name of Craig Crippen also known as Prodigy?"

"Ehh.. yeah. Why?"

"I saw him in the music room.."

"Oh.. I don't really hang with him."


"Here you go." He passed me a turkey sandwich. "The lunch lady saw you fall and handed me this when I came back in here. She told me to give it to you."

I grabbed it and literally ripped the plastic wrap off and swallowed the sandwich in one bite. I was soo hungry.


"I was hungry!"

He laughed. "Want this?" He picked up his bottle of Snapple Lemonade/Tea.

My eyes widened and I gladly took the bottle away from him. "Thank you!"


Troy and I walked into English class and took the two seats in the back left corner of the classroom. Troy gave me two Snicker bars on the way to class so I made sure they safely in my pocket.

"Good afternoon, class. I'm Mrs. Wilson and I'm going to be your English teacher this year. I'd like for everyone to introduce themselves but before that I'd like to tell you a bit about myself."

As she started telling her life story I ate my Snickers bar and zoned everything else out.

"Hello? Sweetie?"

I looked up to see Mrs. Wilson and the whole class staring at me. "Huh?"

"Introduce yourself."

"Oh." I swallowed the rest of the Snickers in my mouth and began to speak. "I'm Taylor Shaw.."

"Tell us something interesting about yourself."

"I draw pretty good.. Well that's what most people say."

"Hmm. maybe you can show me some of your artwork sometime! This room needs a few posters."

She went on to Troy. I opened my second Snickers bar when I looked up and realized Mrs. Wilson kept looking at me. It felt pretty awkward..

It wasn't just a look. She looked at me like she knew me.

She did kind of look familiar.. But I don't know from where.. Eh. Doesn't matter.

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