Chapter 1

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Okay hello everyone this is my story from my Quotev account that I brought over to here so I'd your new to the story then welcome and if your coming from Quotev then welcome back and I apologise for not updating

It was sunny, the morning sun slowly began to sneak into your room, the sun's rays began to creep on you, bit by bit it got closer to your sleeping form, then suddenly right then and there you began to flutter your [e/c] orbs open only to have you shut them again as the suns light burned your eyes.

"Ugh why you gotta do that to me sun." you groaned as you began to stretch, your [f/c] tail began to move from side to side.

After your eyes had adjusted you looked around your room, it wasn't anything fancy just a couple of [favorite band] posters here and there, a desk with a computer, and a bookshelf filled to the brim with different genres of manga and a door that lead to your bathroom (A/N Reader-chan has his own bathroom *snap*). After looking around your [f/c] ears began to twitch to the sound of footsteps becoming louder and louder until they stopped right in front of your door, it then slowly began to creak open revealing a figure on the other side.

"Morning Kitty" your mom stepped in with a big grin on her face, she had always called you kitty ever since the day you were born, you had no idea why you were born with ears and a tail neither did your parents so you just came to accept the fact that your are a neko your parents were a bit weirded out about it too but they soon came to accept it.

"Morning mom" you said with a pout then a happy sigh

"Come on get dressed and then its off to school, breakfast will be ready in a minute" she stated as she walked out of your room

With a sigh you got off your bed and headed towards the bathroom once you entered you came face to face with yourself as you looked in the mirror. You were sporting some major bed-head along with a baggy [f/c] shirt that was bigger than you and some [f/c] pajama pants. With a groan you began to undress and hopped in the shower.

After your shower you dried yourself off and began to put on some clean clothes. You were never into wearing what people usually wear these days so you just had on some [f/c] boxers, after that some [f/c] pants, a [f/c] [favorite band] shirt, then some [f/c] socks and lastly a pair of [f/c] [favorite shoe brand].


After a breakfast of [favorite breakfast] you hopped into your car and drove off to school. Your house wasn't very far from your high school you just were not a fan of walking so once you turned sixteen without hesitation you took a drivers test and got your drivers license. As you were driving you felt something staring at you the feeling kept picking at your thoughts it soon stopped once you reached the gates of your high school.

*Unknown P.O.V*

"Looks like my kitty is off to school I can't wait till tonight too see you [y/n] until then I must wait" I whispered to myself as I headed back to the mansion hidden in the woods. 'I didn't know why I liked this person I just did it was weird I have never felt this way before especially towards a human, what was it" I thought to myself 'Its not because he's a neko, no its something more what did they call it "Love?" ya that's it "love or is it just a crush?" After about an hour of walking I finally reached my destination the a giant mansion secluded in the woods.

I walked inside to find it was empty I didn't think much of it "they must be off targeting someone." that was all I said before heading up to my room. I decided to take a nap so that the night would come by faster "Until tonight my kitty" I said with a grin before the sands of sleep took over me.

Okay so that's the first chapter I hope all you newcomers enjoyed it

More chapters to come soon

A Killers Kitten (Jeff the Killer x Male!Neko!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now