Chapter 8

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[A/n] sorry that I haven't been able to update this story in a while but here I am with a new chapter I hope you all enjoy ^_^

  (Y/n) P.O.V


Its been about three months since I've began to live with Jeff I was also able to meet the rest of his family that live in the mansion

I've also been training to become a proxy which trust me it's not easy there's so much running and pouncing and killing that it can get quite exhausting

But it doesn't matter to me I'm happy and so is Jeff that's all that matters

Also Ben seems to have gotten a boyfriend too he's the same as me but instead of cat ears he has black dog ears and tail he also had to become a proxy as well but he can be clumsy at times which gets hi  into trouble at times

He's also very nice and really hyper too we've become good friends over time in fact we're sitting right next to each other on the fountain in front of the garden

"Hey (y/n) when do you think all this training will be over" I looked over at him to see that he was looking down poking at the ground with a stick

"I'm s-sure it'll be over soon don't worry just hold on a bit longer Cristian" he immediately lit up with a big smile on his face

"Hey (y/n) where's Jeff and Ben" he asked I had completely forgotten that Jeff and Ben had taken off this morning

"Slenderman said that they went on a mission and won't be back till sometime later this afternoon" I answered as he hopped up off the fountain his black tail wagging behind him

"Come on let's go see if slendy need help with cooking" he began to drag me off towards the kitchen

Jeff P.O.V

"Hurry up Ben we gotta go" I yelled at Ben as he was looking at dog collars

"Ya Ya I'm coming calm your tits" Ben and I had been on a mission since this morning I didn't tell (y/n) about it cause he would be furious with me

The truth is I snuck into his old house to collect some things that he's been pestering me about

I had collected so much manga and video games and his laptop that it filled up most of the suitcases I brought with me.


It took us a long ass time but me and Ben had made it back to the mansion still with the suitcases in hand

"We have returned" yelled Ben as we entered the house posing like as if he was a king

"Welcome back" an angelic voice said and I knew who's it belonged too but what I saw when he came in immediately made me blush

"Hi Jeff how was the mission?" I couldn't think straight there he was in an adorable apron covered in dough soon Cristian walked in looking the same as my lover

I looked over at Ben and noticed he had the same blush as well

"Jeff are you okay you look red" he said with concern lacing his voice with an even cuter face

"Hey Ben are you okay too" Cristian responded as well

Both of their adorable faces staring at ua I soon felt a bloody nose coming I noticed that Ben was bleeding too

We soon passed out from blood loss

  Normal P.O.V

"H-hey (y/n) so you think they will be okay?" Black haired inu asked

"Haha Ya they will I'm sure come on let's go help slendy with the baking" the neko responded

"Okay" the inu said as he became cheerful once again 

They both took off leaving Jeff and Ben passed out on the floor twitching with blood still pouring out of their noses

[A/n] okay so there we go I hope you all enjoyed next chapter will most likely be the last but I'll be making it a lemon so until next time everybody byeeeee~~~~~

A Killers Kitten (Jeff the Killer x Male!Neko!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now