Chapter 10 (Re-Upload)

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* {A/N}Hello everyone so I literally have no excuses as to why I haven't been updating this so i'll be standing on the podium while you all can take your lemons and chuck them at my face because I deserve it for being a lazy writer but I just joined a creative writing class at my school and it along with some nice words from a very nice person I've gotten the urge to start writing again so that's pretty much it and also sadly this will be the last chapter so i'm glad you all took an interest in my story and thank you for being patient with me and my laziness*

Jeff P.O.V

So ya (y/n) is on bed rest for the day cause of our 'fun activities' so now i'm dressed up in what Slendy said is a school girls outfit it's weird and how can girls wear this short ass skirts.

3rd P.O.V

Jeff was currently preparing his love dinner for the night, chopping up carrot and potatos throwing the vegetables into the pot that was placed atop the stove along with various other ingredients as well. The sun had set a couple of hours ago which also meant that some of the other creepypastas were out on their nightly missions yet others stayed behind.

"AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" a yell was heard causing Jeff to whip his head towards the noise knowing it came from his feline love interest.

Jeff out of instinct grabbed a knife and quickly ran up the stairs into their shared bedroom while also passing Sally and Jane along the way leaving them behind with a look of confusion spread onto their faces

"Babe what happened are you okay" Jeff kicked down the door only to find the neko jumping up and down holding onto his 3DS

"Jeff I finally got my shiny sandygast in 186 S.O.S calls!!!!!" yelled the younger teen, his (f/c) ears perked up along with his (f/c) tail which was moving around due to excitement

'What.The.Fuck, you scared the non-living soul out of me, look my heart literally fell out of my ass it's on the hallway floor now!!!" yelled the raven haired teen

"Sorry I just got so excited it's my first shiny since this game came out!!!" (y/n) cried out still jumping from his rare find

"I just need to catch it first what would it look good in, a Luxury Ball?? No maybe the Moon Ball aww but I only get one, hmm hard decisions" (y/n) said holding his finger up to his chin limping back and forth completely forgetting about the pain in his lower abdomen

Jeff sweatdropped at the sight of his partner yet smiled at the strange addiction he had to the famous imaginary monsters as well as any other video game it was one of the reasons he had fallen in love with his nerd of a boyfriend.

"YASSS I CAUGHT IT!!!!" yelled the (raven, brunette, etc) haired male cheering himself on as congratulations on capturing his new Pokemon

"Good job babe" Jeff said with a soft smile plastered onto his face, he didnt understand the point of these so called shiny monsters they're just different colors yet people spend days, weeks, months, hell even years to find these colored creatures, even to the point where people live stream themselves hunting these Pokemon

"Thanks" (y/n) said with an adorable smiled which caused the blood to rise onto Jeff's face

"Now come on it seems you can somewhat walk so help me finish your dinner" The white hoodie wearing teen said grabbing his younger lover's arm dragging him downstairs back into the kitchen

"Owwww wait Jeff slow down I can't keep up!!!!" cried out the younger teen


"Wow Jeff I didn't know you could cook" (y/n) said complimenting his lover causing Jeff's cheeks to explode into various shades as they both walked back into their rooms feeling full from the delicious meal they just had

"Heheh thanks but don't tell the others cause then they'll have me cooking for them every damn day" Jeff said while rubbing the back of his neck

The pair had arrived into their bedroom getting ready to fall asleep as they got under the covers

Getting comfortable the young neko was wrapped into his lovers arms his face pressed onto Jeff's chest (y/n) looked up only to come into contact with red eyes a blush creeping onto the (e/c) eyed male's face

"You know I love you right" Jeff said suddenly becoming more affectionate

"Ya I know I love you too" The neko said a cute smile suddenly appearing onto his face, hapy that he met Jeff and happy he met the other, after an entire life of pain and depression he was grateful Jeff took him and accepted him for being different even though everyone else didn't.

(y/n) pecked his lovers lips as he closed his eyes awating sleep to overtake him knowing he'll see Jeff and the others and knwoing he'll be happy from here on out........




* {A/N} Wow so that's it this story is now complete thank you everyone for reading my creation and thank you for so many readers, wow its over 2,000 that's friggin crazy!!!!! Well I guess that's it so good night/day everyone more stories to hopefully come soon ^_^*

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