I may..

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I may be loud, but panic attacks are sure to come when I speak in front of people.

I may be bitter, but if you would just get past my exterior I am sweetheart.

I may be want to be in a relationship, but what would that really do for me? 

I may say 'big words', but when I read out loud I'll probably choke on my own spit.

I may be artistic, but I can't even draw a star right.

I may say I want to be alone, but when has anyone needed to be alone?

I may be considered pretty, but I don't see what they see.

I may seem intimidating from a far, but just look at me a little closer.

I may say I don't want you in my life, but I probably need you more than anyone else right now.

I  may be a little off when it comes to mental health, but aren't we all?

I'm always wrong.

But I'm also always right

A/N Hey so...ha..Its been a while...oops. I've been ACTUALLY busy this time. Mental health stuff, ya know, no biggy. Oh well. Anyways, also school has started up again and I had a mental break down, I'm failing math class already, every new student is a jerk or acts like they are better than every one else, I am working in a haunted house again, and I'm back in drama club, so..lifes been kicking me in the ass lately, and I'll try to a least post on this. 

So, talk to ya later, by later I mean the next time it is 10 and I should be asleep but I'm not because INTERNET! Bye.

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