Shipping people.

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(This is just kind of a story-ish one Not really a poem.)

          Most people that live their life on the internet knows what shipping is, and sometimes do it without even thinking about it. I ship people, and you most likely do to. I ship things like destiel, sabriel, squibkin, and more (mainly gay ships.) Now if you don't know what shipping is, 1.) Have you been living under a rock? 2.) It is when you want two people to date or fall in love, or you think would look cute together, or in many situations, just want them to fuck. 

But that's not what I'm here to talk about.

I'm talking about real life shipping. Like Phan (Danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil) and Joshler (Josh Dun and Tyler Joseph). Now now. I'm okay with these ships, but I don't ship them, but if it happened, I would be okay with it. But some people take it to far, that is why I used those ships, because those are shipped way to hard, mainly with Joshler, because Tyler is married to his WIFE Jenna. 

Now, I'm shipped with people in my school by my friends, like my friend Zach ships me and one of my friends Ben, which I'm okay with (I say this every motherfucking day, and I'm pretty sure this is my he ships it "Ben gives the best hugs. No joke, he beats you at hugs.") And I've been shipped with another guy, who turned out to be a complete fucking asshole man whore. (Sorry).

But when I'm shipped with famous people, I draw a line. That's just stupid.


Just remember kids.

Ship responsibly 

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