Chapter 4

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I smile and sing along to the words of some some playing on the radio. My hair blowing all over the place and the is sun is just beaming through my window, it feel great on my skin.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't super excited for this job. I don't know why, I guess I just kinda really missed my last job, which was pretty similar to this one, kinda.

Jade has been a little rough though, I try not to let it get to me though. I feel like she's so uptight.

"I'm a serious person Ms. Edwards." I say mocking her and pointing my finger at nothing

I'm mean, I really hope she wasn't like that her whole life. Her mum speaks so greatly of her and I though that this was going to be different. I want it to be different. I've always been an outgoing person. I literally want to be everyone's friend, unless they're and asshole or something.

She is my boss, but I don't think that means we can't be friends. Maybe we could go get our nails done, go shopping, eat some food, or dye each others hair or something, I don't know, but the woman needs to let loose a bit. She's older than me yeah, but she's not like an old woman.

I've seen Jade come to her mums house just about every night and she always looks tired or upset or something, like her life is just total hell. I would just watch her from my front porch, when she'd come and go. I saw her arrive and I saw her leave, always the same dull expression on her face, sometimes a little happy but, probably from seeing her mum.

I didn't like how she argued with that fact that I wanted to cook for her. I felt bad, she looked tired, nothing like comfort food, am I right? I love to cook and I love to do stuff for others and well she's going to have to get use to that.

I smile smile as I park my car and get out. I pop the trunk of the car and take out the groceries I had bought. I chose not to use the money she gave me, it was probably stupid but, hey next time.....maybe. I close my trunk and make sure to lock my doors, not that I would need to in this neighborhood.

I carry the groceries to the front door and use the key that was in the envelope of money as well. I try to be quiet but, I don't think that's possible for me. I drop one of the bags, had to be a bag of cans, judging by the sound. It would of been much more quiet if the woman had carpet in this area.

I knew Jade was probably working and I didn't want to disturb her. I bring the groceries to the kitchen and set them down on the counter. My hands were a red color from how heavy everything was but, two trips don't exist.

I take my phone out and let it shuffle. I make sure it wasn't too loud, but enjoyable for me.

I begin to place things where I assume they went. Cans in the cabinets, cereal and bread on top of the fridge, frozen foods in the freezer of course and the rest belonging in the fridge. I take a look at the clock and squint. This day was going by too fast, I guess I spent too much time at the grocery store. It was already past twelve. I had to make some stops though, okay maybe a lot of stop.

I take my phone and turn it down as I walk up the stairs and creep past Jade's office, trying to get to my bedroom. Once I'm there, I pick up the list off of my bed of what I had to do. I take the glitter pen out of my apron and cross off grocery shopping.

I look at the list and its nothing to hard, nothing that couldn't get done with some effort. It was all pretty simple in my eyes.

1. Clean the bathroom (Sink, bathtub, mirrors, counter, floor, remove the towels to be washed, and toilet)

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