Chapter 5

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I sigh from a long week of work and crash down on my bed. I wouldn't exactly say it was a long week of work because, I haven't even come up with one idea for my column. Its been three weeks by now. Three weeks and I'm still empty, there's no inspiration. Its like anything that is interesting has already been done. Benson has been really on me these past two Mondays and I fear I actually am going to lose my job.

"At least my house is clean." I sigh and turn over, reaching for my phone. I scroll through my Facebook feed, which is actually kinda sucks. I see all my friends from school and they are all married by now with kids and they've got good careers and they all just seem so happy. I'm happy with my job and my home but, that's all I've got. Well I have my mom but that's what any twenty six year old, whose been single since the were twenty two says.

I hear a double knock on my door followed by another triple knock. I sigh and lay my head in my pillows.


I sit up and pull my feet into my chest and just stare at the door. Maybe if I stay quiet she'll go away.

"I know you're in there Ms. Thirlwall, I heard your door slam." She chuckles.

Shit, can't play it off now.

"What do you need Ms. Edwards?" I shout back slightly.

"Can I come in?" She asks. I roll my eyes and punch my pillow. Why won't she just leave me alone. She's a great worker but, also a kinda annoying one, who talks a lot.

"I suppose." I say and the door was flying open before I knew it. She ran in and sat down on my bed, looking at me with excitement in her eyes.

"What do you need?" I ask again.

"Its not what I need its what you need." She says and in raise my eyebrow, rather offended.

"Excuse me?"

"So I noticed." She starts and I give her a stern look. "You always seem so well, you're just always either locked up in your office or your bedroom, I mean you go to work and stuff but most of the time you're a loaner Ms. Thirlwall."

"I'm not a loaner!" I argue. I clear my throat, realizing I was yelling a bit. "I'm uhm I am not a loaner, I'm just comfortable being kept to my self." I shrug.

To be honest its been a long time since I've actually hung out and had people over. After I got my job I realized that I needed to mature, I mean look early twenties are completely different from late twenties.

"And that's boring, don't you ever want to go out?"

"Its not boring, its relaxing and I can do plenty here, I have a home gym, my books, my computer and I have lots of movies to choose from."

Perrie just chuckles and rolls her eyes.

"Come out with me tonight."

"Oh no." I say shaking my head. "You're my employee, not my friend that would be highly inappropriate." I say and cross my arms over my chest. She sighs and scoots a little bit closer to me.

"That doesn't mean we can't be friends and cmon ive had these tickets to this music festival for ages and this is the last night, I really need someone to go with me." She says and pulls two tickets out of her back pocket. I look down at the tickets and back up at her. She has so much excitement in her eyes, it almost annoys me. I don't think I've ever met someone like this.

"No. I'm not going to one of your hippi gatherings, to sit around a camp fire and smoke the devils lettuce, talking about peace and love."

Perries eyes shoot wide open and she begins to laugh. She laughs harder than I have heard her laugh these past couple of weeks.

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