New life

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I woke up from my sleep. Looking at the sign I saw that I was in Forks, Washington. What the hell I don't wanna be in twilight. I sighed getting up I grabbed my bags and got out of the seat giving the bus driver money before I left. "A new life." I whispered as I walked to a cheap microtel.

I walked in and rang the bell. A lady who looked to be in her early 30s walked out she had brown hair and blue eyes she was very pretty. "Hello." She spoke "hi. Do you have any rooms open?" I asked as she looked in her guest list. "Yes we have 3. A single room with one bed,A suite, and another single room." She looked up at me smiling. "How much is a single room?" I pondered her. "They are 67 dollars a night." She nodded I smiled "can I get a single room please?" I smiled " of course you can sweetheart. How many nights will you be staying?" I wondered how many would I need to stay? I spoke without thinking. "Two weeks." I smiled "okay here's your key. You'll be in room 458." She handed me the key an I smiled walking to the elevator hitting the four button.

The elevator made a ding noise and the door opened. I walked out here nothing but silence. Finally. Silence I haven't heard that in a long time most of the time I heard yelling.

*flash back*

I shuddered hearing my parents yell "SHUT THE HELL UP YOU WHORE!" My dad shouted at my mom as I heard something being thrown. I got up and locked my door grabbing my phone and a blanket I walked in my closet and locked that door too. "I can do this." I whispered as I dialed 9-1-1.

"Hello what is your emergency?"

"M-my parents are fighting and I heard something get thrown and now it's quite. My mom is crying I think."

It was silent for a few minutes

"Okay sweetie. Where are you?"

"I'm in my closet."

"Okay what's your address?"

"128 Charles street, Colorado."

"Okay sweetie I'm sending help right now stay where you are."

"Thank you."

*end of flash back*

I shuddered I got to my room opening the door and walking in. I smiled as I put my suitcases down. I unzipped one of my bags grabbing a pair of night shorts and a led Zeppelin shirt. I walked into the bathroom realizing I didn't have shampoo. I sighed as I grabbed my key and exited my room I walked down to the lobby. The lady looked at me and smiled "hi sweetie. Do you need something?" I nodded "ya do you guys have shampoo and conditioner? Maybe some shaving cream an razors?" I smiled at her "I'm sorry I didn't come prepared." I laughed as she smiled "ya Hun,ill just be a minute." She walked into a room in the back I heard a noise and a giggle.

She came back in with a bag. "Here ya go sweetpea." She handed me the bag "thank you." I smiled as I headed back to my room. I unlocked my door and went to the shower I stripped. I got in and put down my hair. The hot water ran

Down my body I moaned it felt nice. It has been awhile since I had a hot shower it felt like I was warm inside and out. I snapped out of my thoughts and put shampoo in my hair. I washed it out putting the conditioner in my hair waiting a few minutes to wash it out. I washed my body rinsing out the conditioner and rinsing off my body.

I hopped out of the shower and got dressed. I walked in the living room grabbing my phone off the night stand opening it to see my mo had texted me "shit." I whispered

As I read the text "where the fuck are you?" I sighed "obviously not with you and I'm glad. I hate how much you and dad fight and don't worry I won't be back at all. So just sell the rest of my shit :) oh and I forgot to tell you... Go fuck yourself :) goodbye mom tell dad the same." I laughed I can be such a bitch but they deserve it they use to tell me it was my fault that they fought and they wished I would've been a miscarriage. My parents are assholes.

My phone dinged " I fucking hate you. You're a little whore. I always dreamed of the day you would leave."

Anger overflowed through my veins. " huh that's funny cause last time I checked I'm a lesbian and I haven't even brought home a guy unlike you a different guy every night. You're such a whore I hate you " I deleted her number. I could practically hear her laughing. I felt a tear rolling down my cheek "I hate you so much." I whispered as my phone went off "oh so because you couldn't get a boyfriend you went for girls?" I had enough of her shit " fuck off." I simply replied and that was the last of our conversation.

I cried. I cried for this shit to be over. I cried to forget. I cried just to... Cry.

I finally fell asleep my tears were gone but they had stained my pillow.


I woke up from my alarm going off. I rolled over hitting the off button on my phone as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes. Getting up I walked into the bathroom grabbing my hair straightener within ten minutes my hair was straightened. I walked out of the bathroom getting my clothes out I was wearing a pair of grey skinny jeans with a pink beanie and a black and red plaid sweater. I put on my clothes and walked back into the bathroom putting on my mascara and eyeliner. It took me about ten minutes to do my make-up i walked out of the bathroom and put my black converse on.

My phone went off I checked it only to see it was my mom's number "just so you know Summer you can't come back home." That made me laugh "awe how cute you think I want to come back"

I blocked her number and grabbed my wallet.


I arrived at the mall today was the day I'm getting a job. I walked into Spencer's smiling I looked at the girl at the front desk she was gorgeous she had bright blue eyes and long black hair. She has batman gauges and her nose pierced along with snake bites. "Hi. Can I help you with anything?" She asked sweetly "um ya is your manager around?" I smiled "uh ya let me get her." She smiled and walked away she had a nice ass.

Moments later she returned with a women who looked like she was in her late 20s to earl 30s. She smiled at me "hi is something wrong?" I shook my head "no, no nothing's wrong I was just wondering if you had any job openings?" She smiled "ya we do." I smiled relieved "um can I apply please?" She nodded "of course. Actually how old are you?" I cleared my throat "17"she sighed "uh when is your birthday? You have to be eighteen to work here." My face dropped "my birthday is November 28th" she smiled "that's only like 3 days away. You're hired. You start on Saturday." I smiled "thank you so much." She nodded "pleasures all mine."

Finally things are starting to work out.


So heyyyyy I hope you liked it :3 I hope it wasn't to short because honestly I thought it was a good chapter :)


Please comment, vote, or fan me :3

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