Long Lost (Vampire Diaries Fan Fiction)

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Whitmore Cell- 1958

I stirred awake when the cell next door to me was opened, and Dr. Whitmore threw the vampire back in, causing a grunt to echo off the closed walls. I listened to the human's footsteps, waiting until I heard the door leading to the row of cells close. I slid over to the bars, putting my hand between the medal to try and touch the tortured vampire. "D-Damon?" I whimpered, reaching around hopelessly in his cell. "Are you alright?" I whispered, finally able to reach his body. I wasn't sure what part of him I was touching, but I squeezed whatever it was comfortingly. Enzo was already asleep, the sleep and food deprivation obviously getting to him. I needed to stay awake though, for Damon. He did the same for me.

"Nellie." His voice was strained and gruff, but I expected nothing less. He had just been tortured for hours on end. I heard his agonizing screams, I heard him crying out for me. In fact, I could even hear the rip of his flesh whenever Dr. Whitmore cut into him.

Damon and I met when he was brought here in 1953. However, my older brother Enzo and I had been here long before that. When Damon first got pushed into the cold, unwelcoming cell, I guess you could say it was love at first sight. We became bestfriends, along with Enzo of course, and we eventually became a couple. We obviously weren't the regular couple, though. We were held prisoner, never let free except for one time each year. Damon and I had never had the experiences a real couple has. We haven't even been able to sleep at eachother's side, or make any contact at all. All we could do was hold hands and peck eachother's lips. But for now, that was enough, because the only thing we had was eachother. If we didn't, we would have both turned our humanity off by now.

Damon used his elbows to pull himself towards me, putting his face up to the bars, his bright blue eyes (well, half of his left eye was stabbed out) gazing into my crystal blue ones. "I'm fine, I'm okay," he grumbled, swallowing hard. He could barely even swallow, go figure. They only fed us one cup of blood a day, just enough to keep us alive. I smiled at him, kissing his bloody lips gently. He'll heal soon, Nellie. I tried to reassure myself, but I hated seeing him so.. fragile and vulnerable. Most of all, hurt. I also knew it was going to be me in that room next, getting tested on and cut open. Then he was going to be the one comforting me, except he can't even hold me. He can barely even reach me. The closest we got was sleeping as close as we could to the walls of the cell, so we'd feel as if we were sleeping next to eachother. And that was exactly what we did that night.

Damon and I had always talked about how our life would be when we got out of this terrible place, how we would adopt kids and run far, far away from here. We'd buy a big house right by Enzo, and all three of us would forever be bestfriends, continuously plotting our revenge for the Whitmore family. We'd even have our perfect wedding we talked about all the time. Just like two hormonal people, we also talked about how we could actually touch eachother when we got out, while Enzo groaned in the background. We couldn't help it, we were in love.

It was morning in a couple hours, and I woke up holding Damon's hand through the bars, like usual. Dr. Whitmore opened the metal door, his keys jingled in his hand. "12145, it's your turn," he said, gesturing to me and unlocking my cell. I stood up, stumbling and pulling my hand away from Damon's unwillingly. His hand clattered on the ground and he woke up, looking through the bars desperately.

"No, no please don't take her." The pleading, puppy dog voice practically made my heart break, just like every other time I was taken and Damon pleaded. It never worked though, and I could never look back at him. It caused me more pain than the torturing. Dr. Whitmore took my arm, dragging me out of the room. Damon continued to plead for him to take him instead, and I could hear his voice the whole time I was being tortured. The whole time I was being brutally tortured, stabbed, and poked at, I listened to Damon's comforting words that only I could hear.

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