Things Reseen

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After Klaus tore me away from the only chance I had to be reunited with the most evil, selfish, but caring guy I've ever met, we were on our way to his planned location. I still didn't know where he wanted to stay, and I also wasn't aware of why he wanted to talk to Damon in the first place. Klaus would probably tell me if I asked, possibly.

"Klaus? Why do you want to talk to Damon?" I asked, tilting my head slightly to the side as I looked over at him. "Did he do something to you?" I was well aware of Klaus' temper. I'm not saying that it was the most attractive part of him, but it was something I'd never be able to change about his personality. You just had to get to know the hybrid, like I did. He was sweet, somewhat.

"He has something that I desire," Klaus replied, not bothering to glance over at me as he spoke. Klaus wanted a lot of things; revenge, power, trust; but he never mentioned an actual object. What the hell was he keeping from me now?

"What do you want?" I asked, being careful that he didn't get too angry with me. Klaus never liked when I spouted too many questions at him, he usually compelled me to be quiet and mind my own business, so I had to be careful around him. Some things he likes to keep quiet from me.

Klaus glanced over at me, raising his blonde eyebrows when we halted at a stop sign. "Look who's curious now, love," he said tauntingly, a smirk intruding his stubbly features. "Now, have you ever heard of such a thing as a doppelganger?" Klaus proceeded to tell me about the doppelganger chain as he drove, telling me about how he made his hybrids and about basically everything from his past. Woah. The worst part was, he said it so damn calmly, like it wasn't a big deal that he wanted to eliminate the vampire population so hybrids could take over.

"Wait, wait, wait," I interrupted, shaking my hands to emphasize. "So this Elena girl is the doppelganger you need?" I asked, wanting to clarify before confirming that I understood the story.

Klaus shook his head, lifting his fingers up off the steering wheel, talking with his hands. "That's what my mission is. You see, the girl is now a vampire, and the vampire girl, Katherine, she is now human. I'm not certain whether Elena's blood still works," he explained. Wait, how'd the girl turn into a human?

"How'd Katherine become a human?" I asked, narrowing my eyebrows. Klaus then started to explain abut the cure, and the whole incident. He claimed he had heard from Rebekah, his sister, who had heard from her (ex?) boyfriend, Matt, who is apparently best friends with Elena. I didn't exactly listen to him, the only part I cared about was the cure. "There's a cure for a vampire?" I said, my voice filled with awe. Impossible.

"Don't get your hopes up now, sweetheart. There was only one cure, and I'm afraid it was merely wasted," Klaus said plainly, pulling into a driveway that had two entrances. This house was just as big as the Salvatore's. What was with the mansions around here?


Klaus had finished bringing all of our stuff in after ordering me to the couch. I had my feet curled next to me, my thoughts traveling to distant places. My attention was brought to the hybrid when he walked over with two blood bags, handing one to me. I smiled, taking it and sipping at it slowly. The silence was just growing longer and longer between us; mostly because my mind was not exactly.. there at the moment.

Finally Klaus spoke up, swinging his arm around my neck and nuzzling into my cheek. "Where is your imagination running to, love?" He hummed into my face. I giggled, only because his scruffy facial hair was extremely ticklish.

I turned my face to look at him, rubbing my nose against his affectionately. "It's not running off to anywhere," I said, putting the blood bag down on the table next to the couch and resting my hand on his chest lightly. It was a nice chest, very broad and muscular. "It's right here with you," I drawled, leaning into him and kissing him lightly.

Of course; Klaus being Klaus and all, he flipped me underneath him. He used his vampire speed as well, so I probably got some sort of whiplash. He always liked being the dominant one, since he was qualified as an alpha-male. I threw my legs up, wrapping them around his waist and urging him closer.

He gladly obliged, coming down closer so he was hovering just over my small body. Not small, exactly, just small compared to his. I arched my back, pushing my chest into his as I trailed my tongue along his lower lip swiftly. Klaus put his hands on my shirt, ripping it off. Literally. I giggled, doing the same with his. It was kind of like the eye for an eye law. Shirt for a shirt, especially since I loved that shirt. He growled against my lips, obviously full of lust and hunger.

He tore his lips away from mine, ready to savage my neck until a knock sounded at the door. He looked up, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. Wow, he was damn attractive. "Looks like we have some company. Let's greet our guests, shall we?" Klaus said, acting like he already knew who it was. He got up off of me and disappeared, coming back no more than thirty seconds later. The hybrid handed me a new shirt, his own shirt already covering his body. "Coming," he called towards the door, waiting for me to slide my sweater on. Once I did, we walked over to the door. I ran my hands through my hair, standing a little bit behind him as he swung the large white door open, smiling brightly at who was revealed. "Ah, Damon. I see your brother passed on my request to see you?"

All the memories came rushing back into my mind, like a waterfall flowing old water into a lake. Everything he said to me, how he left Enzo and I to die, how Klaus left Enzo to die. I stumbled back from the surprise, covering my mouth as I stared at the vampire. He didn't look different at all, except he looked more bitter. And his hair was different.

"Yeah, he did," he spat, not even acknowledging there was a second person there. "I'm here, so what do you want?" Damon's eyes finally scanned over the stupid girl that tripped backwards; me. I don't think he really put together who I was at first, but when the darkness left his eyes, you could tell that it finally clicked in his thick skull. "Nellie?" He asked, narrowing his eyebrows in confusion.

I opened my mouth to speak, but quickly closed it, backing up slowly. I couldn't talk. Only small noises were passing my lips, even though I was trying to make words. Not nice ones, though. My whole body was trembling, mostly from the memory overflow. At least, that's what I was guessing. I turned on my heel, dashing up the stairs to the house and into the first room I could find. I slammed the door, sinking against it and holding my head in my hands. "Oh god, oh god," I breathed, biting on my tongue as hard as I could to keep from screaming out of frustration and anxiety.

I listened to their conversation downstairs, a simple tear running down my cheek. Klaus apologized for my behavior, starting to talk about the blood he needed. Damon didn't even sound affected that he saw me, and I didn't know how. I was heartbroken, I couldn't breathe without letting out a sob. I didn't think I'd actually see him. And if I did, I thought I'd be able to handle it. My brother would know what to say to me. My brother knew me best, he knew how to comfort me and love me the way I needed to be loved. But he wasn't here, and it was all because of Damon. I needed my brother.

But he wasn't here..

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