Chapter Seventeen. (Half)

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This is a chapter i cut in half. First is Dannys half. Second wil be Ryker/Rems, bear with me. xoxo-<3 enjoy.

Chapter Seventeen.


"Come on, cheer up."

My cell mate in captivity yelled aimlessly. I giggle sarcastically..

"What're you in for?" He says with some what of a country slang.

"Doesn't matter to you." I say, looking at my lap, and brushing hair out of my face.

"Someones a stubborn ass." He mumbled quietly. "You want to piss me off?" I look back at him. "Nope. But, I can sure as hell do it." He says smiling, creating the few wrinkles on his face more apparent. And, far more frightening. He was a tall man, with a scar on his cheek. He lifted his ciggerate to his lips, "You already piss me off." He chuckled taking in the nicotine.

"So do you. Everythings pisssing me off. Including being here, I should be searching for Ryker right now, instead."

"I'm pretty sure thats the flat foots job." He coughed, I turned to face him. Trying to change the subject, "Those things, theyre killing you."

"I know that."

"Then, why don't you stop?"

"I'm far more comfortable with dying, then I am with living." He takes another drag on the cigarette.

"Sorry to hear that."

"Don't be. Life can be exhausting." He said sighing, and putting out his cigarette on one of the chairs near where he had been standing.

"Damn true." I say. Damn, fucking, true.

Thirty minutes later the phone next to the police officer outside the cell rings. He wakes up an answers. "Uh huh." This guys skinnier. His thoughts are easily accessible.

ooh, this guys another lunatic. he thought looking straight at me staring back at him.

They're talking about Ryker. They want my help finding him.

I pop up. "I'll help. I'll do it." I say quickly. I could feel the guys stare from behind me. And the police officers questioning look.

Meeting Ryker / BoyxBoy / Extremely melodramaticWhere stories live. Discover now