Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven. 

Look Around.

Rykers POV.

"Hey, how did you get in here?!" I yelled in a somewhat quiet scream.

Danny only looked back at me, and shook his head while holding his finger to his lips. Only two thoughts were in my head at this point, one how'd Danny, of all people break into the mental hospital at three a.m, and two why was he here, packing my things. He obliviously wants me to break out.

"Yes, I want you out of here. Fast. You have made an impact on me, and I want you with me." He said aggressively. He rummaged through my prized possessions, with one important on. The necklace my biological mom left me, when I was put in the home, I've always had it, he packed it in a tote bag, and grabbed my arm. "Let's go." He said pulling my arm aggressively out of the hospital. I saw Rems pass us, and sit in the car, passenger seat. I watched him rub his eyes, and yawn then stare straight at me. I only looked away, and let Danny lead me. I couldn't sit in the passenger seat, I couldn't. Wouldn't. "Get in." He said pushing me on the door of the passenger side. Danny watched me, shuffle into the back seat, and calmly smiled. Yet seemed a little hurt.

"Why not sit with me?" He asked.

"Well.. I need to lay down."

"Good excuse." Rems whispered. I saw his urge to sit in the same seat as me, take over my body, and try to... Kill. I pushed him out of my head, and tried not to speak.

"The reason .. I came to get you.. Was, I needed to see you. You needed to be here with me. And I know you didn't want to be there. In the hospital." He said sternly.

I nodded.

"I um... I need you in my life right now Ryker." He said, less stern. I smiled down at the floorboards. No ones ever told me that. Rems glanced down at me, and taunted Danny but I ignored him. I looked down at the tote bag, and took out my pill bottle. Rems sat back in fear, at the new pills I have to take. They actually conceal Rems, to where he can't even be in my thoughts. But Rems doesn't care, he thinks he'll brake out of it some how, like he did with all the other medications. But this one, is much stronger. I popped two in my mouth and swallowed.

I watched Rems fade out of sight, out of mind. I smirked down at my lap, finally some relief away from him. I closed the pill bottle, and shook my head. Happily, i threw it back in my bag.

"Dude, so, um..." i tried to ask why, but all i could think was how. How exactly did Danny brake in, take me, and leave so effortlessly. He must of planned it in his head for a while. Him all knowing of the exits and pathways in that labyrinth, he some how figured it out.

I looked back at the back window of the car and noticed a faint alarm. An alarm that got louder and louder the faster Danny drove. Could it be the cops? Or maybe the security? Or something that could and will find us soon.

"What is that?" I asked, and rested my mouth on my hand, that rested on the back of the seat. "I... um, think its an ambulance." He said, faintly and vaguely. "That sounds more like an alarm, not a siren." I stated, remaining as calm as possible. My pulse fastened. "Well, i guess we'll figure out who it is soon, its getting closer."

I cringed , I was scared, fear was a filling feeling. Just like how sadness was a controlling emotion. I looked down at my bag, and grabbed my necklace, and put it around my neck.

"Let's see how far we can go." Danny said.

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