Chpt. 5; It's all shits and giggles until someone giggles and shits.

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I know I said I was gonna have this chapter up like last weekend, but.... then I didnt because I was still writing it....and now I just have a lot to type ): Hope no one is mad at me. Anyways, I wrote through my writers block and I have somewhere chpt 6 can go. I'm not making any promises of when it will be up, But I will try to have it done soon. Also hopefully it will be shorter that chapter 5.

anyways, enjoy Little Winchesters!


You, Jensen, and Jared walked to the SUV, Cliff following and Misha tagging along. You always dreamed of getting into this car one day, not knowing it would actually happen. As you approached the car, Jensen put you down, Jared went to the other side, Misha called dibs on the passenger seat, and Cliff got into the driver's seat. As you got in, typical and as expected, you got squished in the middle, Jensen to your right and Jared to your left.

"Where to guys?" Cliff asked as he started the car and backed out of his parking spot and drove away.

"The nearest ice cream parlor." You and Jared said. Your head snapped to his direction, finding him already looking at you.

"That was weird." Jared said, you staring at him in shock.

"Usually it's me and Jensen." You replied.

"We know." Misha, Jared and Cliff said in unison.

"Ok.....creepy. Now I know how y'all feel." You said slowly, causing Jensen to chuckle.

"Ha, creepy? Y'all do that on a constant and daily basis. Try weirdly terrifying." Jared laughed.

"Sheesh, okay I get it." You shrugged. "Maybe I just won't talk then." You said playfully, Running your fingers across your lips, like you were locking them with a key. You made the motion throwing the key away and shrugged nonchalantly.

"Oh, come on," Jared whined. You stayed silent. All three of them looked at each other, like they were having a silent conversation. Like clockwork, they all turned back to the front of the car.

After a few minutes of silence, Jared wet-willied you. Granted, its gross, but you didn't budge in your silent torture. Then he tried to tickle you. You still didn't budge. You stared off blankly until he gave up. Jared grumble something in frustration, throwing his hands up.

Jensen took his turn, giving you a horsey's corn - which by the way, is when someone squeezes the pressure point above your knee until you give in. But, you didn't give into that either. Jensen looked at you, leaving his hand on your thigh. He turned his head back towards the front, coming up with a new way to bug you. What would make you talk?

A smirk grew on his face, as he grabbed your head, hands on both sides of your face. He turned your heads towards him and in one long turn, he licked all the way up from your chin to your forehead. You looked at him like he was a crazy man, but kept quiet and wiped your face off one his shirt.

"Gross, dude." Jared grunted. Misha took out his phone to start a live video.

"I'm running out of ideas, man." Jensen shrugged, kinda pouting. You just look between the three, claiming victory little by little, a small proud smirk on your lips.

"So, sorry to interrupt y'all's day, but we can't get (Y/N) to talk. She's giving us the silent treatment, thanks to Jared." Misha chuckled, talking about what's happening.

"NO!" Jared boomed, "You were in on it, too."

"She had this habit of saying the same thing and the same time as one of us." Jensen started, as Jared continued.

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