Oh look, im still alive *yay*

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Hi guys!

So for everyone who is still reading this book and is patiently waiting with rusty spoons, I would like to give you a fair warning.

Be ready for a roller coaster of emotions. You'll laugh, you'll probably cry. You won't be sad. Lastly, you'll be stunned and hate me a bit more.

As for other things, I've dealt with family and thanksgiving *yaay...no*.....
I'm also dealing with my 80 year old grandmother who is a sneaky little shit, but I don't wanna say what the hell she's doing...😒🔫

Honestly, if there is any other reason I haven't posted, it's because I don't know. Daylight savings time has thrown me the fuck off and I'm very confused. It happens every time. I hate it. The days go by quickly and it feels like there's no time when it gets dark so quick. Adding on, I also procrastinate a lot and I'm usually just fiddling on, crying like a baby because there's no more Sherlock episodes to watch, or running errands and keeping myself busy, trying to brain storm ideas for this book.

Lastly, thank you all for being patient. I will try to have this next chapter, "What if..?" Up by tomorrow/tomorrow night. Keywords, 'I'll try.'

I hope you all have a lovely day/night wherever you may be in the world.

Much love, little Winchester–

PDxoxo ❤️

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