Chapter 16

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His mother wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders, her own shoulders shook with heavy sobs. Oliver stood still with his arms swinging by his sides, his expression was stony. He remained silent as his  mother pulled away and grasped his hand, Oliver flinched away from her touch. Her hand was warm in his, 'you can come home now. My baby.' She said the last bit for her own benefit, as if she were reassuring herself that he were real. Reassuring herself  that he was really back and that he was staying, 'my baby.' She mused to herself. Oliver nodded wordlessly.

His mother's blonde head bobbed up and down as she nodded, with her hand still locked around his she pulled him gently out of the hospital room. Oliver followed blindly blinking tears away all the way, it was wrong. It was all wrong. Moira Queen led her son to a long, black limousine, she led him back into his old life. The life of loud, obnoxious parties and expensive cars. Moira led Oliver back into a life he had long since outgrown, he no longer thrived on attention and fancy gifts. The truth was he no longer thrived.

The camera's flashed all around him as everyone tried in vain to catch a glimpse of the man back from the dead. Oliver ducked his head and slipped into the limo, the satin seat felt foreign under his laundered cotton pants. His thighs struggled to find purchase on the rich fabric, every time the car slipped smoothly around a corner he was thrown about like a ragdoll. Moira looked at him with overwhelming joy for the entire ride, Oliver squirmed uncomfortably under her gaze. The city rushed by in a bleak blur as the limo sped up, 'Ollie I missed you so much.'

He tore his gaze away from the grey blur that was him home and looked at his mother. A film of tears had glassed over her blue eyes and threatened to spill over her eyes. Oliver nodded at her statement, she had changed. Her hair was cropped and her eyes had delicate wrinkles under them, her smile was kind but Oliver's mind morphed it into something cruel and unjust. The mole on her lip was the only thing that was exactly the same as he remembered, the mole that lay atop her left lip was familiar and always had been.

'I love you Oliver,' she said. He grimaced at her words and she frowned at his reaction, 'are you okay sweetheart?' Oliver's mouth curled into a frown and he turned back to the window without responding. The terrain became to become more and more familiar as they neared the Queen Mansion, he banished all joyful thoughts of seeing Thea and wallowed in his grief and guilt. His hands lay limply in his lap, sweat pooled in the cracks of his palm and he wiped them on his pants. His eyes could eventually make out intricate details of the buildings that rushed past as the limo slowed, they crept closer to his home.

Eventually the limousine came to a halt and Moira waited placidly for the chauffer to pull the door open, Oliver slipped silently out of the limo. Moira approached the overly large, extravagant oak double doors. She pulled a key from her pocket and slipped it into the lock, it clicked into place and she turned the gold plated handle. The door swung open, Moira entered the house and Oliver followed. Moira set her bag down on a mahogany side table that sat idly in the corner of the wide room.

Oliver spun on his heel when he heard someone thundering down the stairs, Thea stood half way up the curved staircase that mirrored the one opposite it. A wide grin was spread across her face, Oliver allowed a small smile to creep onto his face. Thea barrelled into him and pulled him into a tight embrace, he wrapped his broad arms around her shoulders and kissed her head. Suddenly an image flashed behind his eyes and he recoiled from Thea, she frowned and tears pooled in the bottom of her eyes. 'Ollie?'

He held his hands out in-front of him and choked on his words. Suddenly it hit him, 'Laurel?' He let the word fly from his mouth in a broken gasp. 'Where is Laurel?'

Moira approached him with her arms outstretched, 'you were the only survivor Oliver.' She paused, 'Laurel is gone.'

He let out an agonised cry as the memories came back, he saw her. Her eyes cold and unresponsive, her body limp in his trembling arms. Thick, dark blood matted in her hair and running down her face. Oliver crumpled to his knees, the words echoed in his head. Laurel is gone, thick, hot tears ran down his face. She was gone.


Oliver shot out of his troubled sleep and fumbled for Laurel, he sighed in relief when his clammy hand met her shoulder. She groaned and struggled out of a deep sleep, Laurel sat up and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. He smiled as the moonlight cascaded across her pale features, 'Oliver?' She asked her voice slightly husky.

'Go back to sleep baby, I'm fine now I know you are safe.' Oliver reassured her as he tucked a loosed strand of hair behind her ear.

Laurel frowned in confusion, 'what do you mean?'

'Just a dream but you are safe,' he lowered himself back into the bed and gestured for Laurel to do the same. 'Lets just go back to sleep.' Laurel didn't pry any further and just nestled into Oliver's chest. He rested his chin atop of her head and wrapped one arm around her, 'I love you.' He whispered against her hair. Laurel didn't reply and when her breathing steadied it became apparent that she had drifted back to sleep. Oliver soon did the same.  

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I have run out of relevant things to say in these authors notes so... you get this instead XD. Anyway, I hope you liked the chapter and thanks for sticking with the book this far.
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Kaitlyn xx


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