Miracle and her mom gets along sometimes but dont all the time. She always focused on school she forgot to live a teenage life. After she meets her middle school bestfriend Nyair, everything changes for her. What happens when she ride for her man an...
My name is Miracle, 19 years old and I go to Memorial High School. Im a senior. My friends Mikayil, Tay-Gunna, and Shannon are my close friends that I live by. My Bestfriend Kassidy been with me since we was in 6th grade, been bf's for 6 years now. I have 2 brother, kyil, and Ivan. My other best friend Nyair, we been on and off for 5 years and he is everything to me. He play to much but I love him but he don't like to commit but its w.e.
My mom is strict but not strict. I love her no matter what. I know she just wants the best for me and I'm gonna make her proud, but then again what about being a teenager? I don't know and I don't care. Nothing new anyways. I'm off to do something else y'all bye.✌ p.s im in the picture at the bottom .
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