mirror mirror

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the looking glass upon the wall

will shatter quickly should it fall

there it hangs for all to see

reflects an image back at me

is this the one that's really true

or is the opposite one you

the view you see it can decieve

it's up to you what you believe

the light reflects back in your eyes

full of truth or full of lies

you're not sure which is truly real

the presence of both you may feel

cast a shadow on your mind 

your other side could leave you blind

open up your soul to soar

through the glass through the door

another world you enter there

should you be brave enough to dare

deep inside the glass you hide

looking on the world outside

the sight you see is all in black

light and color it does lack

stuck in a world you don't know

your doubt and fear begin to grow

open up your eyes to see

the face that's staring back at me

light is dark and dark is right

doubt takes hold but use your might

knock that mirror off the wall

shatter the lies and let them fall

the one true spirit that you see

is the one staring back at me

turn away and don't look back

those doubts now you may lack

leave the pieces on the floor

walk away and shut the door

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