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*A picture of me*

I'm up in my room;
The silver curtain rolled aside.
sitting on the golden throne.
I look past all my wealth.
What's on the spotlight?
It's their cries.
The echoing of anguish.
Loud drums be voices.
The cacophony of hunger and suffering.
But if not this, what would have been?

I'm riding in my money.
The glass rolled a little down.
Releasing the belt of pride.
I look past the comfort and joy.
What's on the spotlight?
It's their suffering.
The electroplated life of suffering Hiding the gold within them;
With a skin of depression and frustration.
Their bare feet and ragged clothes.
I'm saddened by the look in their eyes.
My heart is heavy for them.
But if not this, what would have been?

I'm flying high above them.
The streamlining of love and hope.
Compassion compelling me;
Frazzled with emotions I let go.
What's on the spotlight?
Their visible hopelessness.
The malady of quitting.
They won't struggle no more.
The iota of strength they lack.
Their life tantamount to death.
But if not this, what would have been?

Wake up you all!
I'm fascinated by your weakness.
Why do you prefer death to pain?
Why do you prefer pity to hard work?
Call me selfish: I can't be you.
I know life makes you hazy. I know.
But why drown in the ocean of self pity?
Why not get a boat or ship?
Why not let your little light shine. Why accept the skin behind the gold?

I can't make your choices.
I can only pray for you.
Cause if not this, what can be done?

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