Chapter 3: At Tails workshop

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Sorry that it took me so long. I hope you like my new chapter and now I have a whole week for writing my stories, cause I have no job and school, so I'll update more on this and my other stories.

The five friends entered Tails' workshop and Tails and Amy went to a nearby table. "How exactly do you want to make tests with the necklace if it is still around Amy's neck" Sonic asked Tails. "Well I also can make test when the necklace is around her neck but she need to sit still for that" Tails said answering Sonic's question. "What if the necklace is from the aliens and they mind control her" Sticks said getting paranoid again. 

"STICKS ... for the last time, ALIENS DON'T EXIST" Tails said totally annoyed by the badger. "Tails can you work faster on this I'm bored and I want to play volleyball again" Knuckles said with crossed arms. "How about the two of you go outside and do something else" Sonic said trying to get them out of the workshop. "Fine by me, come on Sticks, let's go" Knuckles said and dragged the paranoid badger out of the workshop.

"Finally some peace, Amy could you lay down on the table, I will go and get something" Tails said as he went into another room to get something. Amy got on the table and lied down. Tails came back with some kind of machine. "What is that" Sonic asked confused about the thing in Tails hands. "This machine can tell me what material this necklace is made of" Tails said as he hold the machine over the necklace. 

"Hm .... that's strange" Tails said as he looked at his machine. "What's wrong Tails" Amy asked worried. "My machine has no idea what material this thing is made of" Tails said and couldn't believe it. "Does that mean that she has to wear this thing forever" Sonic asked. "Maybe not, I can try to cut a peace out of it and make some other tests" Tails said as he cut a peace off of the necklace. 

"If you can cut it, why don't you cut it off of her" Sonic asked. "Good idea Sonic" Tails said and tried to cut the necklace but failed and the knife stuck in the table right next to Amy's neck. "TAILS, that could have been my neck" Amy said shocked. "Ups, sorry Amy I'll go and make the test now ... you can go" Tails said a bit nervous and run into the other room again. "I think I'll go home now" Amy said as she stood up from the table. "I'll go with you, if you don't mind" Sonic said and went with her. "No, not at all" Amy replied.

As the two hedgehogs walked away from the workshop they heard some noises and yelling. "What's that noise" Amy asked as a red echidna and a brown badger came running in their direction. "Knuckles, Sticks what is going on" Sonic asked looking confused at the two. "Eggman is attacking and his robots are after us" Sticks said annoyed. "Where's Tails" Knuckles as Tails came running out of the workshop. "I'm right here and ready for battle" Tails said and suddenly Eggman appeared in his eggmobile and a huge robot behind him.

"Hello rodents, ready to meet my newest creation ... this is water-bot" Eggman said with a huge robot standing right next to him. As Amy heard the word 'water' she made a few steps back. "Wow, he really looks cool .... but why a water robot" Tails asked impressed by the robot. "Because I know that Sonic hates water and he wouldn't attack it, expect he want to get in contact with it" Eggman said and began to laugh evilly. 

"You do know that I've friends who will kick that robot for me, do you Egghead" Sonic said smirking. "Your three friends can help you, but who'll take care of the other robots" Eggman asked as much more smaller robots came out of the jungle. "What do you mean by three friends, I've four friends, you know" Sonic said back and started to destroy the smaller robots. "I know that you have four friends but I only see three of them" Eggman said, sure that he counted right. Sonic got confused about that and turned around to count himself. 

He saw Tails behind him and Knuckles and Sticks next to Tails, but he couldn't find Amy. "Where's Amy, she was here just a moment ago, we were on the way to her house" Sonic said confused why Amy is gone all of a sudden. "Sonic, we should destroy those robots first before we can go and look for Amy" Tails said and the four friends started to fight. After twenty minutes they defeated the robots and Eggman disappeared angrily. "Okay, now we go and look for Amy" Sonic said as the four friends went around to look for her.

Amy was not far away from them, she was sitting on a rock next to the ocean. Before the battle started she went back till she could hide behind Tails house then she ran, before she could get shoot with a water beam of the water robot. "Why, has this have to happen to me, what if they find out about my secret ... I can't tell them" Amy spoke to her self, then she heard calling. It was Sonic and the others who were looking for her. As Amy heard them she started to panic. 

'Great, when they find me they want to know why I went away ... and then I have to tell them my secret ... what should I do, if I ran away now, they would see me and I can outran the others but not Sonic with his speed" Amy said as an idea came to her mind. "Actually I didn't want to do this, but I have no choice" Amy said as she stood up and jumped into the ocean. As she came in contact with the water she started to glow pink again and she got her pink mermaid tail and she swam away.

As the others looked for her Sonic heard a splash sound and as he looked in the direction of the sound he saw something glowing. "Guys do you see that too" Sonic asked, not sure if he is the only one who sees that. "What is this" Knuckles asked confused. "AH the aliens they are coming" Sticks jelled and was about to ran off but Knuckles stopped her from doing so. 

"Calm down Sticks, I'm sure that this aren't aliens, come on let's see what that was" Tails said as the glow disappeared. The Sonic team was now standing on the rock where Amy stood before and they look into the water but couldn't see anything or anyone. "What the heck was that" Sonic asked as he looked around but couldn't find anything or anyone.

I hope you like this chapter and I'm really sorry if I made mistakes. I'll update soon but first I'll write a new chapters from my other stories.

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