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"Bruce..." Superman said, lightly shaking Bruce who still lay on the street in his armor. Bruce woke to Superman's frantic questions. "Where did she go? What happened?"

"She's looking for the Joker," Bruce said with a grunt as he stood up.

"Don't worry, your cousin can take care of herself, believe me," Nightwind said rubbing the bruise on his chin as he joined the others.

Superman took note of the gashes and burns in Bruce's suit. "Did she do this?" he asked.

"No, it was Harley Quinn," Batman said. Superman looked around him, his eyes fading white as he looked though the building walls around them.

"No sign of them," he said. A police cruiser sped up to them. Two officers stepped out.

"Superman... are you here to help us catch the escapee?" one of the policemen asked.

"She's not dangerous," Superman responded.

"She killed an orderly," the second cop said, incredulous.

"He attacked her," Nightwing told them, the two officers traded looks. "We'll find her," Nightwing reassured them.

"If you spot her first, light the batsignal," Batman said.

"Don't try to take her in without me," Superman added.

"I thought you said she wasn't dangerous," the first cop said.

"Go," Batman interrupted. The two cops got in their car and sped off as he faced his friend. "We can't trust the police here, Clark. We'll find her. She'll be alright."

"Harley Quinn didn't just happen to be here. And Kara wouldn't kill an innocent. Not even now. Something else is going on."

"She told me his eyes glowed green," Nightwing said. "Maybe what you said about magic wasn't as stupid as it sounded."

"Wherever she is, she's in trouble," Superman said. "I'll do a flyover of the city, see if I hear anything."

"If the police get her before we do--" Batman began. "Don't make it worse. There are still those who fear us."

"Perception's not a high priority right now," Superman said as he slowly floated off the ground. "I'll take care of my cousin first, we can deal with police politics later."

Superman shot into the sky. Batman looked to Nightwing. "He's right, Quinn being here wasn't a coincidence, Joker's been planning this. We have to find him or we're just following his traps. The RPG, it's on the roof. Find where it came from."

"You're following the green eyes bit?" Nightwing asked, Batman nodded and he peels off the charred black pieces of his metal suit. He fired his grappling hook and was gone.


Lois lay in the Jacuzzi, hoping to relax after Clark had left in the middle of the night in search of Kara. Sleep was futile until he returned safely with his cousin. She touched a hand to her stomach, it was still flat, but underneath, a life was beginning to grow. She felt guilty for smiling. So many things seemed to be going wrong, yet the thought of Clark being a father, the thought of him playing with a son or daughter of their own, it filled her with a hope she hadn't realized she had lost. It made her think about the future, which, as it turned out, she hadn't before. Clark was always going to be Superman and she was always going to be a journalist, only that wasn't true. Clark Kent and Lois Lane would grow old, and when they did, she now knew, they wouldn't be alone.

She turned on the TV which hung over the tub, another perk to living in Bruce Wayne's apartment. Lois jerked up when she saw the headline at the bottom of Cat Grant's screen. "BREAKING NEWS: Supergirl arrested for murder."

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