Batman V Supergirl

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Amanda Waller stumbled backward up the stairs, Renee did the same. "Go," Supergirl told Renee, Waller nodded. Renee waited, thinking, then, she left.

"Well," Waller said. " least I'll know I was right to be afraid of you."

"You made this happen. You had no reason to be afraid of me or Superman before you started this."

"How many worlds are out there?" Waller asked, tilting her chin to the sky. Thousands... hundreds of thousands? You would know more than us. Are they all peaceful?"


"The only way to protect yourself from what you don't know anything about, is to study it."

"You didn't have to kill him."

"Lex wouldn't have it any other way. And I only needed one of you."

"He was good!" Kara screamed, storming close to Waller who fell to the floor as she stumbled back. "He hurt no one!"

"His existence meant we weren't not in control-- we had no say. He could choose to level cities, start wars--"

"He never did any of that! He never would!"

"He could choose to go into a jail and walk out with a suspect," Waller said, her focus unrelenting. As Supergirl walked up the stairs, Waller walked back the roof behind her. Once outside, Kara lifted into the air, towering over her.

"You killed him... my family... just so you could feel in control..."

"Yes," Waller said. Kara's eyes went red. Waller could feel the heat coming off of them, like a sitting too close to a bonfire.

"You should have killed me."

"Yes," Waller agreed. Kara's eyes grew too bright to look at-- a stream of shot out, Waller looked away. But there was no pain. She turned back. Batman stood in a silver suit made of metal armor. Waller could see the Batwing hovering over the roof, he had jumped down and taken the blast of heat in his chest. The suit smoked, his fists were clenched from the heat, but he was still standing.

"Get out of the way," Supergirl ordered.

"Waller, run," Bruce said. Waller stood and ran to the door.

"You've tried the suit before," Kara said. "It didn't work."

"That was for sparring," he told her. Supergirl swooped down and swung-- "I'm sorry," he said, a Kryptonite blade shot from the metal sleeve of his arm, he rammed it into her side.

Her swinging arm lost its strength. He aimed to miss any organs. Kara stood limp, hanging on to him. He knew leaving the blade in could kill her, as she passed out, he pulled it.

Blood poured from the wound. "This is over Waller. Go--"

Kara used all the energy left in her body to summon the last of her heat vision and trained it on his hand. The blast smashed against the green blade, it flew off and vanished behind the ledge. Bruce pulled the overheated metal gauntlet off his hand a it burned his skin. Kara felt her power begin to restore. She flew into the air, coming down with both fists falling on Bruce's chest.

She knew he had more tricks. She reached around his back before he could recover from the blow and dug her fingers into the mechanism she could hear but not see, the thing what made it possible for him to move. She put her hands around it and pulled. His movement ceased. He was breathing, but now he was buried beneath nearly a ton of steel and lead.

"Kara... please don't," he said.

Through the floor she could see Waller running down the stairs, Renee just ahead. Supergirl cocked her arm back and hammered it down on the floor, breaking a hole into the roof of Wayne Tower. She flew into it like a missile, tearing through each floor until she reached Waller, once again appearing in front of her amidst dust and rubbled, this time, unsteady on her feet.

"You know what you've done don't you?" Amanda Waller asked. "You've ended the era of heroes and humans. It's done."

Kara took Waller by the neck, all that she once was now collapsing in a turmoil of rage and vengeance. Kara Danvers was dead, only a shadow of what now stood in her place. Her fingers began to tighten. Waller couldn't speak, couldn't breathe.

Something stung Kara from behind. Waller dropped, alive. Kara's insides burned. Her legs grew weak. She fell against the wall, blood spilling not only from the stab wound but now, a few inches above it. She looked behind her. Renee's gun was still smoking.

"I went to see Mr. Luthor," she said. "I asked for something stronger. I asked for what killed Superman." Renee looked down at Supergirl, assured that she was right. The world needed her to do what she was about to do. After all she had seen, after what Supergirl was just about to do... she saw the blood again, the cut lips, the death... "Go," she told Waller. The woman stood, rubbing her neck.

"I'll tell them you saved me," Waller said and walked past her, making her way down the stairs. Renee hesitated, then squeezed the trigger. A bang rocked through the room, the sound bouncing up and down the stairwell.

Supergirl opened her eyes. Renee was pinned to the wall, Batman's grappling hook nailed through her chest. Batman was no longer in his metal suit. He was just barely able to move. Blood ran down his cowl, his hand was burnt, he was out of breath, covered in sweat, on the verge of collapse. He had no fight left.

Bruce lay defeated, his eyes filled with sorrow. His head fell back as he lost consciousness.

Kara turned her eyes to her abdomen. She could feel the liquid Kryptonite soaking into her skin. She pushed herself up against the wall, her hands trembling, blood dripping.

She moved to Bruce, picking him up and throwing his arm over her shoulders. Before climbing up to the roof and to the Batwing, she looked to Renee, her limp body hanging against the wall. She knew what he had done for her, and she knew what it would mean.

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