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After Hours and Hours of Driving we ended up in Swellview. We started to unload our stuff. I still had to share a room with Briar! Yaay (Sarcastic voice) My mom threw two air mattresses on the ground, with pillows and blankets. She didn't want to decorate our room today but I can deal with that.   Mother Just wanted to do the Living/Kitchen area today. Again Completely fine with it.

Perry and Norah were helping mom in the kitchen.Briar and I were gonna take a walk around our new home.I took my backpack (Below) and I waited for Briar.

Briar and I, walked out and went farther went farther form the house

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Briar and I, walked out and went farther went farther form the house.
Soon we reached Swellview Park. The landscape was incredibly beautiful.

I saw two kids about my age. One Male and One Female. The guy had honey blonde hair and the girl had really curly long hair. I sat on the bench with Briar, while she on her phone, I was scouting the area.
Curly and Blondie were coming towards us.

"Hi, I'm Charlotte." The Girl said...um I guess I should Call her Charlotte. Charlotte nudged Blondie.

"Oh. I'm Henry." Blondie said.(Yeah, I'm still calling him Blondie)

"Are you new Here." Charlotte asked.

Briar and I nodded.

"I'm Briar and this is my twin sister Lilac." Briar said.

"Cool. Where do you guys live...Now." Hen... Blondie asked.

"Um, 28 Bummit lane." Briar said.

"You guys are my new neighbours!" Blondie Blurted.

"That's cool."Briar  looked back at her phone. (She's obsessed)

"Do you ever talk?" Charlotte asked me.

"Yeah,  I just like keeping to myself." I say.

"Are you going to Swellview Junior high?" Blondie asked.

"I believe so." I say.

"See you Tuesday than." He said.

Briar nudged me in the ribbeds."Li, We gotta go back."

I nodded and we walked back home.I had the feeling our new neighbour was following us too, you to get back to his house. After hours of makeovers (Not my room) of was time to sleep, My favorite part of the day.

I fell asleep under the blankets and on top of the air mattresses.

Lilac Fierce {Henry Danger}Where stories live. Discover now