Chapter 1

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     Hazelstar stepped out of the Leader's den and arched her back in a stretch. It was very cold in the cave, which was where the camp has been made. Hazelstar glanced around the camp. She needed to find her daughter, Spottedfeather, who was also the Clan's medicine cat. Spottedfeather has been strange lately. Spottedfeather would prance around the camp with dull eyes. She doesn't respond when cats call for her. Hazelstar has kept an eye on her. Now, she has to speak to her because it was getting out of hand.
Hazelstar spotted Spottedfeather leaving the cave entrance. Hazelstar padded up to her quickly. "Hey, Spottedfeather!"
Spottedfeather continued out the cave entrance, almost as though Hazelstar never said anything to her at all.
     Hazelstar rose her voice. "Hey!"
     Spottedfeather jumped and whipped around, her yellow eyes wide. "Wh-What?"
     Hazelstar flicked her black, fluffy tail. "Come with me, outside the camp. Don't worry, your not in trouble. I just want to speak with you."
     Spottedfeather's eyes darkened. "Okay."
     Hazelstar led Spottedfeather out of camp and onto DuskClan territory, which was filled with trees and rocks. Hazelstar padded over to a tiny stream and sat at the edge. Spottedfeather sat next to her.
     Hazelstar looked Spottedfeather in the eyes. She steadied her tone before speaking. "Please, tell me the truth. What's going on with you lately? All I ask is for the truth."
     Spottedfeather quickly looked away. "I can't lie to the leader of my Clan, DuskClan. Especially to my mother." Her flanks started to heave. "Oh, Hazelstar, I made a terrible mistake!"

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