Chapter #5: Protecting a friend !?

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~Outside of the school:~
Demon Gal was screaming out loud to the whole school, "I will show you shipping Luisa !" As she throw an ship at the entrance of the cafeteria . Causing people (including Yalecxa and Luisa ) to flying off from the school . They were continue falling in the sky as Yalecxa was looking around in the air if someone wasn't looking at her but there no one wasn't so she decided to transform to Holy . Holy catches all the students but Luisa was still falling as she was close to the ground so she use one of her wings to catch her . When they landed students were cheering at them but Holy flying quickly with Luisa somewhere else .But Luisa was still pass out she is bleeding in the cheek and her legs when from the falling ,the explosion ,and the punch from Meylan . Holy give an sign little bit with tear face from Luisa had gone though today . So Holy deiced to Luisa needed to rest little bit so put Luisa laying down next to a cherry tree as leaves were falling at of them . While resting as Holy started patting Luisa's head to make her protect then Holy flew away with a smile but in the inside it was anger . Suddenly Demon gal finally spotted Holy as she used her telekinesis to pick up the ship again yelled at her, "Hey Holy! I have something to ship you! " .                                                                                                        
~Holy 's P.O.V:~                                                                                                           Demon gal yelled as she was throwing the ship at me again but my leg got stuck inside of it. So I beginning falling in the sky again but this time with the ship . I am about to land at the school with students screaming in the windows as looking at me . Then I saw my crush Sonic looking at me but with worried and scared face . It cause me to worried as pull out my foot as quick I can and grab the ship from falling . I turn around at the students and Sonic  . I was started to blush at him so try cover my face from blushing but I couldn't because the ship . So instead I wink at him so he thinks I'm cool (it's made him to blush madly) and fly away as holding the ship . I spotted Demon gal throw the ship with spinning in circles  at her as I shouting  ,"Demon gal! I ship you back !" . Demon gal gets slammed into the side of the school as being squashed to the wall . She pulls out the ship as it was falling but when she look at me she was getting furious . So she use teleportation power teleport to Luisa with a evil smirk in her face and use her telekinesis at Luisa as she teleports back at me . I drops the ship to the ground and say ,"Oops it sunk" then I use my fire as my hand engulfs to the flames . But when I saw Demon gal holding Luisa I scream with furious and worried face at Demon gal ,"Let Her Go! " Demon gal replied, " Nah I don't want " as she makes Luisa spinning around in circles . That caused me enraged to my whole body became into a flame I started charge towards her. When I punch her so hard it leaves a blood of traits as she was flying away towards North Pole but Luisa was falling as Demon gal drops her from my amazing flaming punch . I catch Luisa as she was falling  but she was still pass and bleeding in the her cheek and legs . I still was in a relief she was safe and sound . I starting fly back to the tree and put her back landing down at my legs as I clean her blood and pat her head for 5 mins because something like ice cube was coming in our  way .                                                                                                    

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