New Dawn Rose

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Did I surprise you guys??  Better hope Ren is okay :)

Chapter Quote:
“Just as a fever makes cold feel colder, love can make loneliness feel lonelier.”

Chapter 12: New Dawn Rose


Shiloh and the pack avoided Arya after their meeting with the Nightshade group.  She’d fallen into a foul mood, barely restraining herself from punching something (or someone) on the way back to the hotel.  Once back inside her room, Arya slammed her fist onto the bed.  She had to get her anger out someway and the rational being she was, she went for the bed so she wouldn’t injure herself or damage the hotel.

The Lightwood pack had traveled all over Colorado in search of Ren, with minimal luck.  They would receive a lucky break by getting a whiff of his scent or by finding an article of clothing, but otherwise, the alpha remained MIA.  Arya began to convince herself that searching for him would end in a futile attempt, that he didn’t want to be found, that he didn’t want to be with the pack anymore.  One thing kept her from believing all this.

A knock on the door brought her out of her thoughts.  She huffed over to the door, trying to hold back the frustrated tears threatening to spill over.  Upon opening the door, she stood in shock.  Two of the Nightshade pack shifted uneasily in front of her. “Ansel, Neville, what on earth are you doing here?”

“We want to help find Ren,” Neville blurted.

“Thank you, but is that okay with Calla?  Does she even know you’re here?”

“No, but I wouldn’t care if she told us not to.  Ren was my-”

“Old alpha, I know,” Arya finished, giving Nev a smile. “He told me about you, Mason, Dax, Fey, Cosette, Sabine, Ansel, Bryn, and Shay.”

“He did?” Ansel queried.

“After he talked to you on the phone one time, he started explaining who everyone was.  He never talked much about you guys, but whenever he did, he always smiled.”

“At least he smiled.  Before we help, we want to know about his disappearance, if that’s okay,” Neville said.

“Of course.  Come on in,” Arya insisted, moving out of the doorway. “Sorry about the mess.  I’ve been… preoccupied.” She sheepishly moved stuff off her bed and threw them in her suitcase.

“Can I get you anything?  Coffee?  Tea?  Hot chocolate?”

“You know, you’re a lot nicer than I thought you’d be,” Neville commented.

She smiled. “Pardon my language, but I’m only a bitch to other bitches.  And Calla, she was being a bitch.”

“Ren’s a touchy subject for her.  The entire pack avoids talking about him,” Ansel confessed, scratching the back of his head. “It’s the fact that he just left with no word and never contacted any of us, it irks her.”

“He had reason.  He had no pack and the girl he loved fell for another guy,” Arya remarked.

“He did have a pack!  He had me!  He had Sabine!  And just because Calla chose Shay does not mean she didn’t love Ren!” Neville argued furiously.

“You went off with Calla when she came and rescued her pack when you could’ve stayed with Ren.  Cosette and Dax died.  Sabine did the same thing as you and then turned human in the end.  And when it comes to girls, I don’t think Ren likes sharing his woman.  I’m just putting it out there.  I’m not wanting to argue, especially with people who want to help me find my fiancé.  Oh, by the way Neville, I think you and Mason are an adorable couple.”

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